The loss of a pet💔💕

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Luke sat in the break room, scrolling through his phone, when all of a sudden, Zander called him.

He smiled as he picked up.

"Hey baby, everything alright?"

Then he heard soft weeping.

"..Baby..? Are you alright..?"

"Bow-! It's bow-! He fell asleep! And now he won't wake up-! His body is frozen and stiff! Please come home! I don't know what to do!" Zander pleaded.

"What-!? Bow-!? I'm on my way home-!" And with that, he hung up. He quickly ran to his manager to explain the situation, and then he drove home, probably running a few red lights.

When he walked into their home, he could instantly hear bawling. Nearing the line of screaming. Continuous, loud, sobbing.

He ran to where it was coming from, and he ran in to see Zander holding the dog in his arms, bawling.

"..Zander honey-"


Luke walked over as he knelt down. He too, loved bow. But right now, his priorities were trying to calm Zander down, he didn't want his panic attack to get so bad he'd have to take him to the ER again.

"Come on baby.." Luke reached out, and gently took a hold of bow, as he began to slowly pull him away from Zander.

Zander let out a blood curdling scream.

Luke jerked his hands away as Zander began to scream cry.

"HEY- HEY-! Come on darling..- please don't cry... everything will be okay my love-"

Zander just screamed again as he keeled over, hugging the dog to his chest, tears flowing from his eyes.

Luke didn't know what to do. He had never heard Zander cry like that, he had heard him bawl before. But had never heard him scream.

He tried to put a hand on Zanders shoulder, but Zander fell backwards as he shouted.


"Zander.. I'm not going to touch bow.. Please my darling.. just put him down.. yeah..? It'll be alright.."

Zander looked up at him mascara running as he bit his lip, he was shaking as he gripped onto the dog.

"..Please don't take him from me..-"

"Zander.. you have to let him go.."

"..I don't want him to die..-"

"I don't either.. but please just put him down.. everything will be okay.."

With shakey arms Zander put him down. As soon as he did, he stood up and ran to their bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Luke could hear him begin screaming again.

Luke had covered the dog up, and had now headed into the bedroom.

Tears came from his own eyes, he felt he could now, Zander was asleep. He seemed to have passed out.

Would it really be okay, without bow?


Hi yes dont kill me!

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