This fandom is so toxic bro

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I'm only still here bc of Zander and all y'all, bc thank god I don't have a toxic community (I hope I don't anyways)

Like god damn, I'm telling y'all, it was drew and Jake stans that made this fandom toxic, some of y'all r sweet asf, but most of y'all are just 😭😭

Jake and drew stans who actually realise that they did shit wrong and let them take responsibility for it>>>>>>> (love them kinda fans they're amazing)

Like even as a Zander Stan, I can appreciate when he does shit wrong (Rn, hes done nothing wrong, Zander stays 🔛🔝 closest thing he's done to being bad was probably when he yelled at Millie ep 3)

So many people are leaving this fandom and honestly I don't blame rhemmmm

I personally don't think I'll be leaving the fandom, not for a while yet anyways, been here since ep 2💯💯

I think this fandom has to grow up, I get that this is a gacha series where a majority of the viewers are probably 9-10 or smth, but I think now most of the argumentative people are teenagers, and should understand what's wrong and what's not, surely? They also shouldn't get mad whenever someone has a debate to say against them (ofc if the person is rude then they probs have a right to be mad lol)

Like this fandom has to calm tf down

Like, I've seen drander shippers on rosys disc server threaten lander shippers with death and DOXXING and all that, it's just rlly stupid, bc do u wanna know what? Drander will NEVER be cannon, y'all have to accept lander is cannon, get over it!! Ship drander if u want, just don't be surprised if someone doesn't ship it, probs bc it's a bit of a fucking weird ship but if u ship it idc.

This fandom has to be more open minded.

Like I remember, a few months back, I have a TMF rp server which I am not very active on anymore (mainly because the rps on it got too haywire and went agaisnt literally all the rules I put up) by haywire I mean, SMTH that was SUPPOSED to be a TMF rp, people started making OCS (which is allowed) but the ocs just kinda took over and now there's biker gangs, stalkers, murderers, assaulter and I'm pretty sure Sean turned into a professional wrestler and then left the country 😀 there was also a shopping mall heist, I remember that vividly.

I GOT SIDETRACKED THERE. But the reason I brought up the server is bc I remember I while back on the server I said that I loved Zander but hated drew, a lot of ppl there hated Zander so I was fighting for my life defending my boy 😭😭

All I'm saying is, chill out y'all, it's a gacha life/club series, it ain't that deep

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