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Luke was sitting on the couch watching Zander rushing about getting ready. He sat with his head resting on his hand with his other hand scrolling through his phone.

"Darling, Theres no need to be rushing about- You're going out with a two year old, I doubt she cares what you wear."

"No Luke!! Not any two year old, it's our niece!! And if you excuse me? That toddler is a bad bitch, so we for real gotta make a good impression."

Luke rolled his eyes with a smile. "Hailey hates you more and more every time Harley comes back from a day out with you."

"Why? Because she loves her uncle more than her? I would too!!"

He was infront of the mirror putting on his eyeliner.

"..Apparently she always comes back sassier-"

"..Yeah okay that one might be my bad-"

"..She also asked me to supervise you two-"

"Really-!? Whatever it's not like I'll listen anyways."

"I wish you would listen but I know that's asking for too much😞"

"I do listen to you! ..but if you tell me I'm being irresponsible then I'll ignore you."

"Trust me dear, I know."

"Hey, if I don't raise her as an independent queen, then who will?"


"Exactly!! She's also my bestfriend right now so from time to time I forget she's a child- ..She does love listening to gossip-!"


"ITS NOT MY FAULT, I FORGOT SHE WAS it gets her to stop crying-"

"Oh my fucking- I love you more than anything, but im very very glad you don't have your own child."

"Me too, love that girl, but like, couldn't have my own."

Just then there was a knock at the door and Luke stood up.

He opened the door and there was Hailey and Harley.

"Good morning Hailey!! How are you, Harley?" He crouched down to her level and smiled.

"Shut up. I don't care about you." She rolled her eyes and walked past him.

"..Wow-" he stood back up.

"Just when I thought I FINALLY didn't have to deal with Zander everyday- I ended up with his miniature version, and I swear on fucking god he's like a curse that won't go away."

"..A curse isn't what I'd call it-.."

"My sweet baby has caught his personality, AT TWO YEARS OLD"

"Ok a bit of a curse- But they're both cute!"

"Cute but absolutely fucking deadly."

Meanwhile, Harley walked right up to Zander.

"Uncle Zander!! HI! HI! HI!"

He put a cap on his eyeliner and crouched down.

"Morning! How you doing dear?"

"Eugh. Mummy didn't have my toast the way I liked it." She folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Oh no, really? Well, atleast she dressed you cute! Give me a twirl!!"

Her face lit up as took a step back before spinning around and ended it by bowing.

Zander just clapped. "Gorgeous!! Loving the hair by the way!! I've got bad news.."


"Mummy doesn't trust us, so she's sending uncle Luke to watch over us☹️"

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