Sleepy Lander headcannons💕

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Zander is more often than not the sleep dazed/ drunk one (he gets really loopy)

Luke is the big spoon, Zanders the small spoon (he won't admit it😭)

They cuddle every night, it's mandatory, if Zander wakes up and they separated, he immediately thinks Luke doesn't love him anymore (just like me fr)

Istg, it's always when they're tired that emotional shenanigans go down. Like it'll be 3'in the morning and one of them will just say:
"Yknow when my dad lef-"

It's either emotional shenanigans or fucking cracked shenanigans, either or

Luke goes to bed either: Shirtless with like, regular shorts (not underwear) or a basic T-shirt and shorts

Zander goes to bed either: In a robe, or in Luke's T-shirt OR hoodie with shorts

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