New Parents 💕🤍

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"Lukkeee! Are we even ready!? I mean-! I'm like 22!? What if I'm too irresponsible!? What if I kill her!?" Zander stressed, Luke just smiled as he put a hand on his husband thigh, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Honey, you're the one who suggested we adopt a baby. You're very responsible for your age, rest assured you won't kill her- I'm sure we'll both be great dads!"

"I think I'm going to throw up-"

"Zander. Please, for the love of god, stop throwing up whenever you're stressed, please, I don't want to pull over again."

"It's hard ok!?"

"I know I knowwww, just calm down, we've already done the necessary paperwork, child services deemed our home safe, e'll he alright! Ok? Just sip your water, or take a nap, I'll wake you up when we get there!"

"..No way will I be able to fall asleep." Zander muttered as he picked up his water. "I MEAN-!" "..Zander, it's okay my love." "ITS A NEWBORN BABY!? WHY DID WE CHOOSE A NEWBORN? WHY NOT A TODDLER? LUKE LUKE LUKEEEEEE WE'RE GONNA FAIL AS DADS!"

"We're not going to fail Zander! It's fine, we'll be fine, your mother offered to help us when needed, didn't she?"

Zander just buried his face in his hands and groaned. "She warned us not to get a newborn-!"

"Zander, we'll be okay, don't worry!"

"I'm very worried and I'm actually really concerned that you're not."

Luke just chuckled. "It's like you always say, I'm too optimistic, I'm completely fine with this."

Zander just groaned again, Luke smiling as he gently rubbed his thigh to soothe him.

Eventually, they pulled up to the orphanage, when they got out the car, Zander pretty much looked like he was about to pass out.

"Zander, darling, if you're not actually ready for a baby I'm sure we can cancel the adoption?"

"Nono-! I want one-! I'm just scared-"

Luke just smiled as he walked over and kissed his cheek while he took his hand. "Don't be scared Darling, you dealt with Bethany, didn't you?"

"Luke stop it. You're scaring me more."

"Was she that bad-?" Zander nodded. "..Right- Well im sure she'll be an Angel! Alrighty-! So, baby girl, 4 days old, her names Ivy, and.... That's about all you can really say about a 4 day year old girl..-"

"..What if she hates me..?"

"Oh my good god Zander- Be happy for once!" Luke chuckled as they began walking into the building.

As soon as they walked in, the lady at the front desk immediately noticed them.

"Ah-! Good morning Mr and Mr Pe-.."

"It's ok, we don't know how to say it either."

"..Thank god- Anyways-! We'll have Ivy out in a few moments, we're just getting her swaddled right now, are you two excited?" The lady smiled.

"I am! ..he threw up twice on the way here."

"Oh- That's alright! Feeling nervous is completely normal, especially for a first time adoption! Don't you worry dear, Ivy loves everyone!"

"..What if I'm the exception..-?"

"...You wont be, trust me. Anyways-! There's just this document you two should keep handy, we can offer a replacement if it gets lost, this is just her official documentation, her birth certificate, your custody documents, yada yada all that boring stuff-"

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