[Part2] I miss you💔💕

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A whole entire year had passed since Zander had fell into his coma after his previous and potentially final suicide attempt.

Luke walked into the room, the light from the window took over most of the area, which was usually left dull and dark.

However Luke decided to bring some light into the room, to make it seem less depressing.

The soft yellow glow was evident over Zanders gentle features, that had been firmly in place for a year now. Luke would give anything to see his gorgeous eyes again. Not through a photo, not through a video, just to see them again. He wanted to see his smile again, he wanted to see his flushed face, he even wanted to see his tears. Anything to show that he was alive, the heart rate monitor was depressing. Having to listen to it all the time. The unsubtle 'beep...beep...beep...' in the room. He swears even when he's not in the hospital, he can hear it. Luke recalls one of Zanders many attempts, where he had actually flatlined. Luke was in fear that It would happen again. He doesn't think his heart could handle something like that again. He couldn't do that, he couldn't watch that. He loved him.

Luke just sighed as he walked over to the bed. He gently moved his bangs out of his face once again. Only to feel, he wasn't ghostly cold anymore. He was warm. A normal body temperature. It didn't stun him too much, but he was pleasantly surprised. He gave a small smile before remembering that his boyfriend could still potentially die tonight.

Luke stood up straight as he reached into a small carrier bag he'd brought with him. He gently took out a bouquet of petunias and roses. He walked over to Zanders bedside, where the previous flowers had began to wilt.

He replaced the flowers and they looked lovely.

Zander always loved flowers, especially from Luke. It was unfortunate he'd never get to see all the flowers he had been given throughout his coma.

But there's still hope of him waking up.

Luke recalls the time a doctor sat him down to discuss potentially having to 'pull the plug'.

He had of course denied. And when the doctor suggested it again he gave him an earful.

Luke sat next to Zanders bed, once again.

He had a small section of Zanders hair in his hands as he weaved it into a braid.

He found himself more willing to touch Zander than he did back when he first was in the hospital. At that point in time he felt I was eerie, but maybe the lighting was helping him feel more at ease.

Luke sighed as he finished the small braid, almost immediately unbraiding it.

He slumped over as he started to caress the side of his face.

Luke's hope was falling thin. It was almost entirely gone. He missed his lover. He missed him.


Luke sat by his bed, once again, as he had been doing everyday after work for the past year.

He was holding Zanders hand while sitting on his phone, the old music club were worried for him. They started excessively texting him recently out of worry for his mental health.

Luke!!!!!!!! Do you wanna go out with us today😚😚

Cant. What are u doing?

Why can't u?

Staying with Zander?



Luke u have to stop this
Ik ur taking it hard, but this isn't healthy.
U only ever leave his side for work
So just stop it

No ❤️

And he turned off his phone to give Zander his undivided attention once again.

He sat there for 15 more minutes, just talking to him.

Until he realised, his lips were now slightly parted and his brows were furrowed.

Luke fell silent as he watched Zander, to see if he could notice anything else.

What he realised was, he was breathing on his own, his mouth slightly widening and closing again as he emphasised each and every one of his breaths.

Luke put his hand on his forehead, to see if he had a fever, when all of a sudden, he saw Zanders eyes slightly cracking open before closing again.

"Huh-!? Zander! Are you awake!?" He shook him gently, only to get no response.

"Shit-! I'll go get a doctor-! I'll be back soon-!" He stood up, but as soon as he did he heard a faint voice.

"..for fucks sake... let me wake up properly before you get doctors prodding at me..." Zander whispered as he turned his head to the side, his eyes still closed.

Luke stopped and sat down again. Not trusting himself not to collapse on the spot.

"I feel like I've been shot in the headddd..." Zander muttered as under his breath.

He was awake. He was actually awake. He held his hand again and rubbed his thumb over the skin.

"Maybe you wouldn't feel like that if you hadn't tried to overdose..?"

"Mnhm.. do I have to go back to therapy...?" He asked, still tiredly muttering.

"If I'm honest- I don't know. It never seems to help you. I'll have to think it through."

"Are you by chance leaning towards not sending me....?🥺"

Luke just sighed. "I'm not saying."

"How are you feeling?" 

"Like roadkill."

Luke just rolled his eyes.

He began to remove all of the machinery attached to Zander, as he didn't need it anymore.

"..This much for an overdose?"

"No. For being in a whole year long coma."

"HUH!?" He yelled out, but almost immediately started coughing, as his body wasn't quite ready to talk that loud yet.

Luke put his hand on his shoulder as he helped him sit up.

"You alright?"

After a few moments Zanders small coughing fit came to a close.


Luke just sighed as he embraced Zander in a hug.

Finally, after a year, he had woken up.

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