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'Tism Zander bc 👍

In this his autism is depicted as my own 👍👍 so I best see no comments like 'Ehm- Actually this isn't-' It's based off MY autism, not all autistic ppl share the same experiences 🙀 I do warn it might be a tad poorly worded bc during my melt downs I don't register much of what I'm doing until after, but even then it's like, a blurry haze kinda? Like it feels like it didn't happen, but it did, ya feel me?

..I started writing this like MOTNHS ago.. I procrastinated like fuck on this then gave up all together lol, BUT I FINISHED IT NOW BITCHES

Luke and Zander were walking through the mall together, they had both completely blown all their money- But! They were satisfied with what they bought, Luke had decided not to tell Zander he'd went behind his back and spent half of his money (not actually, probs more like 90% of his money) on random shit for Zander. He just couldn't resist! He loved buying things for Zander! Zander hated buying things for Luke, he didn't feel as though it was a proper way to show his feelings, though he treasured whatever Luke bought for him. Zander prefers to make things for Luke, be it a painting of a show he likes, or he makes him clothes! Anything really!

..Luke would love to do that but he's not really-..a textile artsy person.. But he can bake!! He shows his love my baking Zander non vegan items.(it's hard🙁)

They were just walking around for the sake of well, walking around, chatting longer. Zander was walking right beside him with a boba in one hand and a few books he bought in the other, Luke was following behind, carrying all of their bags.. Okay- even he can admit Zanders a little spoiled. But he loves him nontheless!

They were making conversation though they couldn't hold hands due to lack of hand space on both parts. So they were probably more far apart than both of them would've wanted, though Luke kind of just forgot about it, it was fine (he would much prefer it if they didn't look like JUST friends tho 🤬🤬🤬)

Though for Zander, it wasn't 'fine'. It was the opposite. He felt himself slowly stop engaging with the conversation, making it almost entirely Luke talking. He didn't like change, at all, Luke not holding his hand felt weird, and he didn't like it. He could feel his skin crawl as he felt himself slowly become more and more irritated. He took a sip of his boba in hopes to calm himself down, but then all of a sudden the contrast of the cold milk tea along with the warm tapioka at the same time irritated him more. He didn't like how different they were and having to drink them at the same time.

His eyes darted, looking around and all of a sudden his mind started to pick apart things that annoyed him, things that didn't annoy him 2 seconds ago.

The patterns, unevenness, it was too bright, it was too cold, some of the floor tiles were uneven, his cardigan was too scratchy, he wanted to free his hands but physically couldn't, the acrylics on his nails suddenly became weird and unbearable.

He felt his cheeks flush as tears came to his eyes. He was frustrated. Incredibly so. His whole body was tense as he suddenly became mad at Luke, and he didn't even know why. He was responding with short answers with an unwelcoming tone to accompany them.

Luke kind of slowed down, he could blatantly hear Zanders annoyance, tf did he do? Just as he looked over to complain he noticed him clearly uncomfortable. He was fidgety and almost cautious, his brows were furrowed and Luke could just barely make out his watery eyes.

He examined his features for a few moments longer, noticing how he got more frantic with each passing second before completely realising that he was on the verge of having a meltdown. Well shit.

Luke looked around but he couldn't see any kind of escape, but there was nothing.

"..Zander, come on, follow me." He spoke calmly as he walked off, he never dealt with one of Zanders episodes before.

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