Lukes birthday💕

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Zander sat by candle light, almost nodding off to sleep multiple times, hardly keeping his eyes open. It was Luke's birthday the next day, and he was making him a scarf, he had started it a few days ago, but due to procrastination he never finished, he has to finish it now. He was moving quite quickly, thanks to muscle memory, but he was finding it difficult to keep himself awake. He looked at his desk, he couldn't go down to get more coffee, he'd already had 5 cups- What time even was it-? Who knows. He felt his eyes droop and he fell asleep, almost immediately snapping back up and rubbing his eyes as he continued crocheting. Almost done, just a bit longer.

15 minutes later, he'd finally finished.

He just groaned as he slammed his head on his desk, finally ready to go to sleep, but then he heard Haileys alarm go off

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He just groaned as he slammed his head on his desk, finally ready to go to sleep, but then he heard Haileys alarm go off. Great. Fucking fantastic. He didn't get his beauty sleep:(

He just sighed as he stood up and stumbled over to the shower, showered then got changed. Despite his sheer exhaustion he managed to get changed into some over the top extravagant clothes (yes for school, slay him fr)

 Despite his sheer exhaustion he managed to get changed into some over the top extravagant clothes (yes for school, slay him fr)

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He got out his bag and shoved the scarf in there, aswell as the card which he put £20 in. He walked downstairs and made himself some coffee, putting it in a flask to last him the day as he walked outside and waited for Luke.

Luke arrived and saw Zander tiredly sitting down on his front porch. Did he have trouble sleeping again-? Usually he texts him...
(Luke's basic so he's wearing this:

(Extravagant x basic ship dynamic>>>>>>) (maybe I'm too into opposites attract)

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(Extravagant x basic ship dynamic>>>>>>) (maybe I'm too into opposites attract)

"Zander, you doing alright?" He walked over and pretty much could immediately tell that Zander had put concealer underneath his eyes, so yeah, he most probably did not sleep, not to mention his eyes were hardly open.

"..Hm? Oh-! Luke! Happy birthday!" He stood up, pretty much immediately draining his energy.

Luke just smiled "Thank you- You doing okay? You look tired-" He took a small section of Zanders hair and moved it behind his ear.

"I was up all night-"

"Oh-? I thought your sleeping issues were getting better?"

"I had to finish making something"


"It was your birthday gift- I procrastinated too much and only got it half finished so I had to finish the rest last night"

"Aw really? You didn't have too! I could've waited a few days.."

"I'm fineeee- I'll catch up on sleep in some of my classes"

"..not maths or geography- you're failing both you need as much help as you can get-"

"You don't need maths or geography to be an author, all you need is Google"

"..Rightttt- Well what were you making anyways?" He took his hand and started walking.

"God your impatient- It's nothing too special, it's just a scarf to make up for the one I stole"

"Oh- Honeyyyy!🥺🥺 you made me a scarf..?🥺"

"Huh- ..yeah- But y'know- It's not really as nice as the one I took-"

"It's nicer!"

"You haven't seen it yet."

"I don't have to🥺"


"Oh shut up-" Luke rolled his eyes as he let go of Zanders hand choosing to wrap an arm around his shoulder instead.

"Can I see it?"

"Oh uh- Sure" Zander reached into his bag while walking and pulled out the scarf, then handed it to him.

Luke's face lit up. "YOU MADE THIS!?"

"No, I just chose to waste my good night sleep just to stab a store bought scarf with a crochet hook."

"Babbyyyy🥺🥺 You're so sweet🥺"

"You're the only one who says such a thing, that tells me something entirely different."

"...others just can't see you have a very unique way of being nice-"

"...Unique is one hell of a way to put it-"

Luke just smiled and rolled his eyes as he managed to one handedly put on the scarf(he's jst cool like that)

He smiled and kissed the top of Zanders head.

"You're so talented.. did you learn this in art?"

Zander just smiled and shook his head. "I started crochet a few months back."

"I think crochet really suits you-!...come to think of it- Why is everything you do graceful-? Piano, violin, harp, painting, sculpting, writing, figure skating, contortion, rhythmic gymnastics, and now Crochet-?"

"I do assure you, they only look and sound graceful, every single one of those things fill me with indescribable rage."

"Sounds jolly...!"

"It's very merry. So! Are your parents taking you anywhere for your birthday?"

"Well they offered to- but I declined!"

"Oh? Are you studying?"

"Well I probably should've asked first- But I kind of wanted to have a sleepover again-"

"Oh- Alright! My house again?"

"If that's fine?"

"Mhm! We can order Chinese or something?"

"Sounds good!...can you actually get a proper meal this time for yourself? Last time you just had salt and pepper fries- (it's salt and pepper chips but I'm scared Americans will think he just ate salt and pepper crisps 🦅🇺🇸)'

"That's a proper meal?"

"How about, chicken noodle soup AND salt and pepper chips, I know how picky you are-"

"If I can't finish it, would you?"

"Chinese takeout is really filling- just give it to your mum or something"

"Fair enough."

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