Teach you to love again pt 2💕💕

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Purely fluff!! This was requested<3

Luke had just finished eating lunch, Zander had been sleeping in as he was working extra hard last night to try and finish his book he was writing, and he did manage to finish and had sent it to the publishing office the same night in hopes of getting accepted. He'd been sleeping in, it was 4 O'clock now. As much As he hated to do it, he knew Zander would quite literally kill him if he DIDNT wake him up. So he got up and walked into their bedroom, the curtains closed and the lights dimmed (with the exception of a small night light because both Zander and Luke are petrified of the dark💀)

Zander was sleeping on the bed, still somehow looking like a genuine angel while asleep, which Luke doesn't find fair considering the fact that whenever he wakes up he looks like he's been mauled by wolves in his sleep. He just walked over and gently shook Zanders shoulder.

"Zander, darling, it's time to wake up." He spoke in a hushed voice, not wanting to give him a harsh awakening.

"Fuck offff.. 5 more minutes..." he slurred as he rolled over.

Luke just rolled his eyes, of course. "Zanderrr- it's 4PM- you need to get up love."

"A bit longerrr..."

"If I give you longer, would you be mad at me later?"

"..nooo.." He whined.

"Well- good enough for me- Sleep well." He smiled and kissed his head as he walked back out, Zander almost immediately falling back asleep.

"Is he still asleep-?"

"Hm? Oh! Yeah- He pulled an all nighter to finish writing his book, then at 8AM he finished writing and immediately drove to the post office to send it to the publishers- So he's a bit tired..!"

"Oh! He finally finished that? Do you think he'll manage to get it published?"

"Well I don't know what the book was about- but in highschool he was exceedingly good at English..so probably..?"

"Fair enough-"

"I think I'm going to take him shopping today- I've finally saved up a decent amount of money, I love him to death, but I think he needs his own clothes rather than wearing mine 24/7-"

"Bets that he continues to wear Luke's clothes?"




"Bids are high."

"Ok yeah he probably will- but atlwast he'd have some clothes in his style-? I also wanna get him a keyboard- I don't have enough to get him a harp or a violin- But I'll get them for him at some point!" (New/ good quality harps and or violins range from 800-7000 pounds)

"Bets that they're gonna come back with random shit?"




"Milly- you don't even have 50!"

"Shut up Luke!"

"You don't-! You have 0.15 in your card!"

"...0.17 actually..-"


"Well- the Shopping Center is gonna close in like three hours so-"

"...I'll go wake him up..-"

He walked back into their bedroom and shook Zander again. "Zanderrrrrrrr🥺"


"Wake upppppp🥺"

"Whyyyyyyy...." He whined.

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