Meeting a homophobe 😨 🙃🌪

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The homophobe is one of those ppl who fetishise and stereotype lgbtq

The club was sitting in the club room. It was a peaceful morning, unlike most other days they weren't speaking. They were basking in the comforting silence.

Zander was doodling in his notepad and occasionally nudging Luke to show him. Every time Luke just looked at it, gave a smile and kissed his cheek.

The club always complained about Landed being lovey dovey but in truth, they didn't mind it. If anything they thought it was adorable. It was adorable how easily Zander could be flustered, it was adorable how Luke always flirted with him and it was adorable how they both cared for each other.

The rest of the club was just looking at lander, I mean what else was there to do? None of them were in a particular mood to ruin the peacefulness. Whenever Zanders eyes lit up when he saw Luke smile at his doodles made the club smile. He was so happy over such a small thing.

The whole time they were there Luke was watching Zander doodle. When he had saw Zander finish his doodle he looked away just so Zander would be happier when Luke saw his doodle for the 'first' time.

Zander had only really been doodling some sketches of cats wearing clothes related to the club. One cat related to Sean in the sense it was wearing a jumper with CD discs on it.

Millie's cat had glasses with hot pink lenses and was wearing a choker which had a devil on it.

Luke's cat was pretty simple it was wearing a headband with drum stick antennas (this drawing was slightly different because the different coloured fur on the cats chest was in the shape of a heart)

Haileys was just a cat in a stack of hay bales... that one did make Luke chuckle a bit.

Jakes was a gravestone with cat ears!

And Zanders was just a cat with a jumper that had piano keys on it.

Overall quite creative.

There was a knock on the door disturbing the silence.

Hailey stood up then walked over and opened the door.

A  girl was standing there

"This is the music club right?" The girl had asked looking around

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"This is the music club right?" The girl had asked looking around. "Yes! Did you need anything?" Hailey replied. She was excited! We're they gonna get a new member?

"Ah I just wanted to know if Zander...? And Luke were here!" She had happily stated and that had caught Zander and Luke's attention.

"Yeah we're here! What's up?" Luke had asked.

She walked up to them "You guys are a gay couple right?" "Yes we are" Zander confirmed.

"Well I'm here to help!" The club looked at her, everyone was confused as hell. Who was this girl? And what was she on about? "What do you mean?" Luke asked the question for everyone else.

"Well you guys don't really look gay...." She responded.

"Bro what- the fuck you want me to do? Dye my skin the gay flag colours!?" Zander questioned, slightly annoyed.

"Well you're shorter than Luke so you should me more... Hm... soft towards him! If he flirts with you, you should pretend to hate it! Oh and you also need a skirt!"

Millie fell into a fit of laughter.

"Um- I think my boyfriend and I are fine the way we are thanks-" Luke said, he was quite offended.

"You guys can't date if you don't take the sexuality seriously!" She argued.

"They do take their sexuality seriously." Sean had bluntly stated.

"No they don't! I am lesbian and bisexual! I know more than they do!"

...... Girlie what.......

"'Shout out to the bis you ain't gotta pick a side' Said by cupcakKe, but I think this one needs to pick a sexuality... are you lesbian or are you bisexual?" Zander questioned.


Bro nobody was expecting the slur.

"Hey what the hells wrong with you!? You can't call people that!?" Millie had yelled, she had also stopped laughing.

"But I'm gay!?" "Lady there's a difference between being gay and being lesbian!?" Sean yelled.

"Everyone in the LGBT community is gay!"

"Nah I cannot. This has to be a social experiment." Zander had stated.


"... Nah I'm done, this whole ass conversation is my 13th reason" Zander said walking out with Luke following behind.


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