Adult lqnder headcannons

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The next oneshot is gonna be a bumpy ride so to keep y'all entertained for now have this

So Yknow their dog, bow?

Bow very obviously has a favourite. He only pays attention to Luke if Zander isn't home. Like I shit you not, if Zander is walking around the apartment, bow will be trotting along right behind him. If Zander is using the bathroom Or taking a shower bow will sit right down infront of the door and wait for him. He sleeps under Luke and Zanders covers cuddled up to Zanders legs, he constantly jumps up at Zander to be picked up, sits on Zanders lap when watching TV, they're literally inseparable

Also Zander 10/10 baby talks to bow and also calls him 'baby' bc he sees him as his child😭😭

Omg sometimes Luke just wants to fucking go out somewhere so it's like

"Zander! Darling! What are you doing!? I'm sure you look lovely just hurry up!"

"It's not me! Bow keeps wriggling around!"


Omg he's that one dog owner who has a separate pair of rain boots and rain coat for his dog ( word of advice fellow dog owners, see how if it's scorching outside? Please PLEASE buy your dog puppy socks or puppy shoes, genuinley, see how pavements? They're so hot on their little feet.)

They have a niece who has fully taken Zanders personality at the ripe age of 2

Zander overworks and Luke has to force him to sleep

Date nights are really, really regular for them.

Luke hates books, hates them, but he buys every single one of Zanders to read when he's alone<3

Sometimes he goes to book clubs just to flex on the people actually💀

"Oh? You like that book..?🥺🥺 WELL MY HUSBAND WROTE IT HAHA FUCK YOU" fucking runs out

Ok that one^^^ is a crack headcannon, he wouldn't do that

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