Ruby the Grimm Troupe Vessel

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My lovely Grimm Troupe vessel Ruby is finally here! Hope you like her!

After being rejected by the Pale King, Ruby thought that she had nowhere else to go in the world, until she came across the Grimm Troupe. They were having a ritual in Dirthmouth, and after realizing that the poor vessel had been through so much, they all decided to take her in. Now being an official member of the troupe, Ruby is now engulfed with the scarlet flames of the Nightmare Heart. Her eyes will glow red whenever a ritual is taking place or during a battle. The flames are said to power her nightmare silk(a type of flamesilk)that is attached to the tip of her needle.

Unlike other vessels, when her mask breaks, her shade is a scarlet flame instead of full void, because she is engulfed with the scarlet flames of the Nightmare Heart itself. She also likes to call Troupe Master Grimm and Nightmare King Grimm her dad, and is seeing around him, making the other troupe members jealous when they see the two having their father daughter relationship.

Ruby is very close to both Celestia and Drogon, but is close to Celestia the most since Celestia can travel to both the dream and nightmare worlds with ease. She has also met the royal siblings and is close to them too. Another person she is close to is Alastair(another one of my OCs), who enjoys having her around at some points.

 Another person she is close to is Alastair(another one of my OCs), who enjoys having her around at some points

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She looks like this

Her as an adult vessel

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Her as an adult vessel

Name: Ruby

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Species: Vessel

Main weapon: A needle with nightmare silk attached to it.

Likes: Being with the royal siblings, Celestia, Drogon, and her adoptive family, her adoptive father, being apart of the different rituals the troupe does, and sparing

Dislikes: Celestia or Drogon getting hurt, her adoptive father feeling down, being infused with too much fire from the Nightmare Heart, and not being able to control her nightmare silk.

Relatives: Ghost, Hornet, Hollow, Celestia, and Drogon(siblings), and Troupe Master Grimm and the rest of the troupe(adoptive father and adoptive family)

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