Galahad the Grimm Troupe Atlas Moth

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I finally got around to making a moth character after so long, and this dude marks my third Grimm Troupe character(my first one was a spider by the name of Alastair and I'll have him uploaded soon). Yes I based this character around an Atlas Moth since they are not only the world's biggest moths, but I find them to be quite pretty as well. Hope you all like the story I had come up with for this dude!

Ever since the fall of Hallownest, many thought that the moth tribe had become extinct. Galahad, who once was a noble knight during the glory days of the ancient kingdom, happens to be one of the few members of the moth tribe that still lives to this very day. He happens to be a real life historical figure as the residents like to call him.

Long before Hallownest fell to its knees, Galahad was a noble knight. Not one to the Pale King though, even though he once was called to the palace by the king himself to be one of his knights. Galahad had refused the offer, since he rather be a protector of his tribe and to his goddess Radiance. After when the infection began to take over the land and when Pure Vessel was made, the warrior moth continued to protect the ones he loved from the virus, even if they had left Radiance to be forgotten forever.

It wasn't until one day, he too would become a pawn for the infection. He couldn't save himself, causing Galahad to perish not only to the infection, but under his goddess's rage to be remembered once more. As the years passed by, Hallownest soon fell to ruins, and the vessel trained by the king would soon become corrupted by Radiance as she unleashed her plague to the land again. Galahad's body would stay in that exact same location for all of those years, until a certain ritual brought him back to life.

The Grimm Troupe happened to find his body fifteen years later. By performing their ritual, they were able to bring him back to life. Now Galahad is infused with the scarlet fire from the Nightmare Heart, but it had costed his eyes in the process. He also wears half of a mask because it was the only one the Troupe had at the moment.

Even if he is blind, Galahad still is noble to the Grimm Troupe, even though he too had forgotten about his old goddess before and after being revived by the fire. At first he had clouded memories after being revived, but he soon happened to remember about his past and that he once was a knight back in Hallownest's glory days, causing him to regain his knight title to this very day, even though he's not as good at it as he used to be.

Galahad also has a small rivalry with Emery(OC belonging to Crypticmessages247 and is also Drogon's girlfriend), and the two will often fight and will call each other names in the process.

Galahad also has a small rivalry with Emery(OC belonging to Crypticmessages247 and is also Drogon's girlfriend), and the two will often fight and will call each other names in the process

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This is what he looks like.

Name: Galahad

Gender: Male

Age: 25(during Hallownest's glory days); 40(currently)

Species: Atlas Moth

Main weapon: Spiked nail(that's what I'll be calling it from now on)

Likes: Practicing his knight skills and sparing, his new life, playing with Ruby(aka my Grimm Troupe vessel), revisiting and exploring Hallownest, going back to where he used to live, and regaining his old memories.

Dislikes: The part where he was killed by the infection, rude people, Emery, when his partial mask falls off, and those who do not respect him as a historical figure/knight.

Relatives: None, but considers the Grimm Troupe to be his family.

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