Abyss the Undead/Dark Gaia Dragon

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So before I got into Sonic, this character originally was an undead dragon character who lived in the depths of the underworld(I love Greek mythology alright I couldn't help myself). I've had her for nearly a year now, and when I got into Sonic and began loving Sonic Unleashed, I decided to go back to her and make her a Dark Gaia enemy and also the biological daughter to the god of darkness because I love the nighttime enemy designs in SU! Her story might not be the greatest, but hope you enjoy anyways!

Just like her father/master, the ancient Earth monster Dark Gaia, Abyss is indeed a creature of darkness. Even before the events of Sonic Unleashed, she would spy on the Mobian folk during both the day and night(mostly during the night), especially Sonic and the rest of his friends. Sonic had always fascinated her, and she had heard about all of his adventures. Abyss hoped that one day, she would challenge the famous blue hedgehog in a battle.

Whenever her master was in its sleeping state, she would always be there to watch over it in its slumber. Abyss has the ability to travel to the surface and to different dimensions, so this is how she was able to travel to Mobius and spy on them. Her favorite dimension is a haunted one filled with graveyards, forest caves, and an ancient castle. She always loved to hang around there when she isn't watching over her master or spying on the others.

But when Dr. Eggman awakened her master by force, Abyss still continued her duty into helping it bring chaos to the world, and then teams up with Eggman. Her gut was telling her that something was up, but she did the alliance anyways. After this, she revealed herself from the shadows and pressed onwards with her goal with her minions while also seeking out the Gaia Temples as well.

The dragon also got to meet Sonic for the first time, and was quite surprised to see what her master's energy had done to him(basically her meeting Sonic as the Werehog). The two fought a few times during Sonic's world adventure even though she lost most of the times. Even during the day, she would still watch him from the shadows as he continued with his quest to piece the world back together with his friend Chip.

Rage soon comes to Abyss after finding out that Eggman betrayed her. All he wanted to do was use her master's powers to power up Eggman Land! He was using her to collect more of her master's power so that he could make his theme park a reality. Teaming up with Sonic, the two of them defeat the doctor, and Abyss asks Sonic to seal her master away for another thousand years, so that it could go back into a peaceful sleep until it was ready to awake again in the future, and Sonic indeed kept her promise.

After defeating Dark Gaia and sealing it away for another thousand years, Sonic returns to Abyss and tells her that he kept her promise. She didn't know what to do next, but soon agreed to be an ally to Sonic and the others while not only still pursuing her desire to plunge the world in darkness, but to also take care of her sleeping master once more. Abyss still spies on Sonic and the others even after the events of Unleashed(and sometimes still has a rivalry with Sonic), but knows that Abyss would be there for them whenever they needed a powerhouse.

 Abyss still spies on Sonic and the others even after the events of Unleashed(and sometimes still has a rivalry with Sonic), but knows that Abyss would be there for them whenever they needed a powerhouse

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This is her normal appearance

This is her normal appearance

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Here is her nightmare form. It may not look creepy, but I did my best on designing it anyways

Name: Abyss

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Species: Undead/Dark Gaia dragon

Status: Antihero(was a villain during the events of Sonic Unleashed)

Additional forms: Nightmare

Crush: Mephiles the Dark

Abilities: Powerful and fast flier and is quite the powerhouse, can summon a Shadow Edge as a weapon in combat, she knows her master's language and has the ability to talk to it when it is both sleeping and awakened, and can travel to different dimensions as well as traveling to the surface.

Likes: Dimension hopping to her haunted dimension and sleeping on the gravestones there, watching over her master while its sleeping, traveling to the surface to spy on the Mobians, chaos and darkness, and her rivalry with Sonic.

Dislikes: The time when Dr. Eggman betrayed her(and Eggman himself), her master going out of control, hurting her wings, being spotted while spying on others, and not being able to summon her weapon.

Relatives: None, but is more related to Dark Gaia due to it being her creator/master.

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