Rosy/Experiment N002 or 635-1

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The Lilo and Stitch OCs come piling in! A good bro of mine on DeviantArt named Dragonkingeevee inspired me to do a few Lilo and Stitch fankids while he did some of his own! Mine as of now are Rosy and Supersonic. First is Rosy, daughter to Talia(my OC)and my boi Houdini(Experiment 601).

Rosy was the second experiment kid created after when Stitch and Angel had Junior(OC belongs to Dragonkingeevee on DeviantArt and not me)by Jumba. The fact of Junior's birth had shocked all of the experiments of Hawaii, and many couples requested kids of their own, thus creating the series N experiments. Rosy, being close to the other experiments and the other N ones, is more of your sensitive type. She usually worries about her friends when they get into dangerous situations. However, she is a theater girl at heart thanks to her parents, and she likes to perform mini shows and street magic. She does enjoy scaring people with the mask that Lilo made for her on her creation date.

While she can shapeshift like her mother and turns things, including herself, invisible, she can use telekinesis and use it to lift herself into the air if she doesn't feel like walking. Although she is close to her parents the most, she likes it when another friend of hers, Supersonic, comes to be the music for her mini shows.

 Although she is close to her parents the most, she likes it when another friend of hers, Supersonic, comes to be the music for her mini shows

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Rosy both as she is currently and an older version of her too!

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Rosy both as she is currently and an older version of her too!

Name: Rosy

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Species: Lilo and Stitch experiment

Experiment number: N002/635-1

Abilities: She can shapeshift, turn invisible, and can use telekinesis, but it overwhelms her if she uses it for too long.

Likes:  Acting and shapeshifting, playing pranks on others, learning on controlling her powers, performing mini shows, wearing her mask and sometimes scaring people with it on, and usually hanging around with her parents.

Dislikes: Dropping others while levitating them, hitting her head when she's levitating herself, not being able to control her powers, loud noises, some scary things, and when people pull her antenna , tail , or touch her neck fluff(it's her sensitive area).

Relatives: The other Lilo and Stitch experiments, and her parents.

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