Mirai Tatsumi of the Straw Hats

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This is my first, and I mean my VERY first, amine/manga OC I've done. Since getting into the phenomenon known as One Piece after watching the live action series, I decided to watch some movies as well as the season three/Drum Island recap film to know the characters before I began watching the series. I really love them all as well as the charms each one brings and the series itself is awesome; Chopper is my favorite!

I wanted to add a lil something extra to the human reindeer hybrid boyo, so I created Mirai Tatsumi in response. Long before she met Luffy, Mirai happened to befriend Chops after she was taken in by the doctress Kureah on the wintery Drum Island. He was the first friend she ever made. How these two met happens to be an extraordinary one.

Just like Luffy, Nico Robin, Brook, and Chopper, her best friend/mentor, Mirai is a Devil Fruit wielder. Eating the Draconis Draconis Fruit gave her the ability to transform into a dragon hybrid complete with enhanced strength, durability, and the powers of pyrokinesis, eventually being able to turn into a real dragon. In the end, the fruit also made her a bit hot headed, yet she still had a bit of energy left to help her swim if drowned in seawater. Even in normal form, she could use her wings to fly and could still perform pyrokinesis. 

She lived a normal life in her home village wither her family and friends, but her life was turned upside down after eating a Devil Fruit at the age of six. When she gained her powers, the people of her home village, including the family that loved her, called her a "monster" and casted her out of the village she called home. With nowhere to go, she flew from island to island, hoping to be accepted, but couldn't find a good fit. Scars would form on her back to show all of the pain and suffering she had been through.

Eventually, she was caught in a storm and was washed ashore onto the icy land of Drum Island. This is where Chopper would find her and take her into his home, the castle on the mountain where he and his mistress, Doctor Kureah, lived. Kureah took Mirai in as her own daughter and tended to her wounds, but it would be Chopper that would grow close to the hybrid, since Mirai never had any friends due to her powers.

Since then, Chopper and Mirai became so close, they were almost like siblings. They were even similar. Both shared the same pain and suffering they had experienced in the past, scars on their hearts from their wounds and heartbreaks. Kureah still loved both her adoptive daughter and Chopper though, yet she still wanted what was best for them. The two always did everything together, sharing a stronger bond every inch of the way. In fact, Kureah even agreed to have Chopper be Mirai's mentor.

After that was claimed, Chops taught Mirai everything he knew once his training with Kureah was done. Mirai became a doctor's assistant, even though she was no expert doctor. She knew information on different mushrooms and plants and even how to make medicines because of him. She even enjoyed helping him with his experiments and also with his Rumble Balls as well. Mirai even learned how to control her Devil Fruit powers because of Chops, since both shared similar abilities. Whenever Mirai felt down, she would always receive hugs from Chops, whether he be in normal form or in the form of a teenage human boy.

Mirai would live on Drum Island for her whole life before Kureah surprisingly agreed to let her go see the world. And so after saying goodbye to her best friend, telling him that she would be back, Mirai left her castle home and took off for the world with a dream in mind: research more plants and make cures for illnesses, as well as make new friends.

During the East Blue saga, she would meet and befriend Usopp when she arrived in Syrup Village during her travels. Eventually, she would also become friends with Luffy, Zoro, and Nami when the three arrived in the town, eventually befriending Sanji when he joined. She felt right at home with Luffy and his crew even when she revealed her secret on being a Devil Fruit wielder in front of her captain. Mirai feared that Luffy would turn their friendship down, but he ended up loving her powers and asked her to join his crew. This made Mirai so happy to the point that she accepted his offer. She had finally found a real family. A family to accept her for who she was. In fact, she's ok with being a monster whenever Luffy is around.

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