Gamma the Acid Controlling Spirit

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Thought I would dive into one of my two Ori OCs before uploading the rest of my characters. My main Ori OC is Gamma(I sometimes like to call him Gamma Ray and make Ray a surname for him), a spirit with intoxication powers! The first paragraph contains spoilers for the ending of Ori and the Blind Forest however!

Ori still remembered the day Kuro sacrificed herself to save not only her only egg, but also all of Nibel itself. On that day, Kuro had realized how love can be a strong and powerful bond between a mother and her child, just like the bond she had between her chicks before they perished to the light. Because of this, Kuro decided to make things right, and restore the light to the forest, meaning that she too, would be killed when the forest regained its strength.

Ever since that day, new spirits were being made from the great Spirit Tree, each with their own personalities and abilities. One of these spirits was Gamma, a spirit with the ability to produce a special toxin in his claws that can poison his foes, and he can swim in acid too. When he fell from the Spirit Tree, his leaf landed in an acid pile, and when the newly made spirit was created, he came out of the acid with his horns, claws, the tips of his ears, and even his feet and tail all began to glow green due to being made in a pile of acid.

Gamma has mastered three types of weapons: the Spirit Edge, Spirit Smash, and the spike. His main weapon is the Spirit Smash, due to his sometimes grumpy personality and brutal way of fighting. With his smash attack, when he stomps on the ground, it sends a powerful shockwave of toxic, green spikes towards his enemies. With the toxin in his claws, he can coat the ends of his spikes with the toxin and throw them at enemies, sometimes poisoning or killing them. He then has his Spirit Edge, which has some small, sharp spikes on the edge of the blade.

During a battle, he ended up scaring his right eye, and now a bright, tan colored scar adorns his right eye. He doesn't like to talk about it and such, because he was also badly wounded in the process. A few days later, he ended up meeting Ori and her family, and they all became very good friends. With his spirit orb, Gamma resides in the Misty Woods, which is the only place he calls home in Nibel.

 With his spirit orb, Gamma resides in the Misty Woods, which is the only place he calls home in Nibel

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Here he is with his spirit orb.

Gamma when he first came out of his acid pile

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Gamma when he first came out of his acid pile

Name: Gamma(or sometimes, Gamma Ray)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Species: Spirit guardian

Main weapons: Spirit Smash(main), the Spike(second main), and the Spirit Edge

Likes: Hanging out with Ori and her family, wandering through Nibel, traveling to Niwen, swimming in acid puddles, training with Ori, chilling at his home section of Nibel, the Misty Woods, and going out with Ori.

Dislikes: Ori getting hurt, the darkness, dirty acid puddles, getting his fur messy(he can handle water, but he doesn't like mud getting on his fur), accidently poisoning others, and hurting himself.

Relatives: Ori(cause they are both spirits)

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