Sol/Experiment 632

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Back in October of last year, I designed a Lilo and Stitch inspired experiment, but never got to show him off. Since the classic Disney movie turned 20 last month, I thought it would be quite fun to add him to my OC book so you can learn a little bit more about him. Lilo and Stitch is still one of my favorite classic Disney movies of the 2000's along with Bolt and many others!

Also known as Experiment 632, Sol is an experiment that can control and use ultraviolet light. He mostly uses the sun since the sun is a type of UV light.

When first released from his numbered pod, Sol would burn everything in his path, and gave a lot of people sunburns. He would even start fires and burn buildings down! The name Sol actually comes from the sun tattoo on his cheek; he was actually created with that mark on him.

It took the team awhile, but they were able to stop Sol from causing havoc around the city and causing more fires to the area. He ended up realizing that he could cook food with his powers and really enjoyed it. Before he turned good, he would often cook fruits(mostly pineapple)with his powers and eat them roasted. His true place is working at a local cafe where he uses his powers to cook food and serve it to guests waiting on their orders.

He is close to all of the other experiments, but is really close to Stitch since Sol likes to invite Stitch to the cafe to be his taste testers for new dishes.

He is close to all of the other experiments, but is really close to Stitch since Sol likes to invite Stitch to the cafe to be his taste testers for new dishes

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Sol with his work attire on

Sol without his work attire

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Sol without his work attire

Name: Sol

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Species: Lilo and Stitch experiment

Experiment number: 632

Ability: Can control and use ultraviolet light.

True place: A local cafe to cook and serve food to others.

Likes: Cooking and severing food at the cafe, inviting Stitch over to test new dishes, chilling with the other experiments, eating roasted pineapple(it's his favorite fruit)and any other fruits, and enjoying long conversations about anything.

Dislikes: When his cafe gets wrecked or destroyed, raw fruits(sometimes; it depends on the fruit), Stitch or any other experiment getting seriously hurt or captured, and accidentally starting a forest fire or burning a building.

Relatives: The other Lilo and Stitch experiments but is very close to Stitch.

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