The Power Players

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Going on ahead and rambling about some of the other Pokémon characters I've been meaning to slap in here. These are the Power Players. They're a group of old friends Thunderheart knew as a kit. There's Willow, the leader, Scales, the brawn, and Alpha, the brains.

Willow is a shiny Lurantis who leads the group. She's very athletic to the point that her agility makes it look like she's flying. She's an expert at martial arts; no enemy Pokémon can take her power kicks and slices. She has the most trust with Thunderheart when he returned to his homeland of Alola.

Scales is a Kommo-o and is the brawn of the group. He's extremely powerful; he can break a boulder in two and even knock a tree down with his powerful tail. When he clangs his scales, it means he's ready to attack, while others times they're used for a distraction or signal.

Alpha is an Absol and is the brains of the group. Even though Willow is intelligent, nothing compares to Alpha. He's great at problem solving; solving puzzles is something he likes to do on adventures to the point he has became a famous Pokémon detective and architect across Alola. He is a bookworm, and mega evolves with the Absolnite on his bowtie.

 He is a bookworm, and mega evolves with the Absolnite on his bowtie

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Above is an original sketch I did of these three, and Willow and Scales are still the same

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Above is an original sketch I did of these three, and Willow and Scales are still the same. Below is my newer design for Alpha, which now has him wearing glasses.

Names: Willow, Scales, and Alpha

Genders: Willow is a girl while Scales and Alpha are dudes

Ages: 30(Willow), 35(Scales), and 32(Alpha)

Levels: 55(Willow), 60(Scales), 58(Alpha)

Species: Lurantis(shiny), Kommo-o, Absol

Move sets: Solar blade, x-scissor, night slash, and synthesis(Willow); Clanging scales, clangorous soul, screech, close combat(Scales); Night slash, psycho cut, quick attack, and razor wind(Alpha)

Likes: All three enjoy adventures, teaming up with Thunderheart and co, and triple battles. Willow enjoys training, grooming herself, and sunbathing; Scales also likes to train while polishing his scales and using them to make music; Alpha enjoys puzzle books, reading, and examining relics he has collected.

Dislikes: All three have different dislikes: Willow hates having her sun time disrupted or breaking her legs, Scales hates it when his scales are dirty leaving him unable to battle, and Alpha dislikes struggling on puzzles, loosing or breaking a relic, and having his quiet time disturbed.

Relatives: None

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