Amzi the Crystal Spirit Guardian

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More Ori OCs! Seriously I haven't made another Ori OC in who knows how long ever since I made Icicle and Gamma, so here's Amzi!

When the spirits returned to the land, Amzi was the second Nibel spirit made right after Gamma. He didn't come with anything special asides from forming crystals from his hands. He uses them to morph into weapons of his desire and as a shield for defense. His home? Kuro's old cave located high in the mountaintops.

He usually likes lighted caves, so he made some crystals with his powers to decorate the cave and make it lively, claiming it to be his home. The crystals on his ears and horns will also light up as well, and has a great connection with Gamma of the Misty Woods as well as Ori and Icicle of Niwen. Even if Ori is a spirit tree, Amzi likes to sit by her trunk for some alone time when he feels like it.

 Even if Ori is a spirit tree, Amzi likes to sit by her trunk for some alone time when he feels like it

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Here he be!

Name: Amzi

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Species: Spirit guardian

Main weapons: Crystals can form from his hands which he can use as a shield or can morph them into his weapon of choice.

Likes: Crystals and gems, the views from his cave and when it glows at night, going to Niwen for vacation or seeing Ori and Icicle, hanging around in the Misty Woods with Gamma, sitting next to Ori's tree for some free time, and exploring darkened caves with his light up gems.

Dislikes: Gamma complaining about his gems, dark and scary areas, caves that are bare, falling from his cave, getting his gems wet, and when Icicle freezes him to death(it messes up his fur and his necklace).

Relatives: Ori, Gamma, as well as Icicle of Niwen.

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