Celestia Moon the Light and Void Vessel

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Moving onto Hollow Knight! Hooray! Here is my main Hollow Knight character Celestia Moon, a vessel made from both the powers of void and light! You can read the book I did on her after reading this if you like! It is called Born of God, Void, and Light! Also, spoilers for Hollow Knight: Godmaster are in the first paragraph! Now, onto the character!

You know the events of the Embrace the Void ending from Hollow Knight's Godmaster DLC. After defeating Absolute Radiance in Godhome, Little Ghost ascends to his max power with the Voidheart and transforms into the legendary god of void, the Lord of Shades. With this new power, he does the final blows to Absolute Radiance, banishing her in the process. After this, the Lord of Shades destroys both Godhome and Godseeker, and the two disappear into the void. Along with this, the Hollow Knight is freed from Radiance's clutches and now Hornet could reunite and take care of her sibling once more. In the delicate flower version of the ending, thanks to the mysterious power in the delicate flower that Ghost gave to Godseeker as a gift, it caused both her and the Lord of Shades to disappear from Hallownest to an unknown location. But what if a new vessel was made in the process after this ending? This is the story of a vessel who awakens from the powers of void and light.

As soon as Godseeker and Godhome were both destroyed, the legendary Shade Lord emerged from Godhome's ruins, and with him, leftover light from defeating Absolute Radiance. He knew the perfect place to put it in. A vessel shell. Once his work was done, the Shade Lord was able to return to his vessel form and find his siblings.

The vessel, when she awoke, was named Celestia Moon. Her resemblance to the Lord of Shades in her face and how she has a cloak like Radiance's wings made her a descendant of the two higher beings. She has light inside of her pitch black body, with it emitting from her hands and feet in the process. Along with her, a new void entity was born: the Dawn Goddess. A legendary creature with the powers of light and void. With her Voidlight charm, Celestia can change into this void entity.

Since she was just freshly made from the void and light, Celestia needed something to defend herself with, so she visited Lemm in the City of Tears, and he gladly gave her a nail that looked like a pure nail for her to use. Soon, Celestia arrived in Dirtmouth, and met Hornet and the Hollow Knight, and after meeting the Shade Lord in his vessel form, Ghost, she learned about the shocking truth on how she was made. It made her upset, but understood why she was made after hearing Ghost's side of the story.

Celestia is confirmed to be part moth, since she can enter both the realms of dream and nightmare. She has seen Radiance, and is really close to the Grimm Troupe. Especially with Grimm and his adoptive vessel daughter Ruby(another vessel OC of mine). Celestia is still getting used to her powers, but yet has Ghost, Hornet, and the mighty Hollow Knight to help her.

She looks like this(yeah I originally was gonna have her as a kid to Shade Lord and Radiance, but I don't really ship them, so she's a descendant of the two of them)

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She looks like this(yeah I originally was gonna have her as a kid to Shade Lord and Radiance, but I don't really ship them, so she's a descendant of the two of them)

She looks like this(yeah I originally was gonna have her as a kid to Shade Lord and Radiance, but I don't really ship them, so she's a descendant of the two of them)

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This is the Dawn Goddess(Celestia in her void entity form)

This is the Dawn Goddess(Celestia in her void entity form)

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Celestia if she was an adult vessel

Name: Celestia Moon(Celestia for short)

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Species: Vessel

Altered ego: The Dawn Goddess

Main weapon: A nail similar to a pure nail but different.

Likes: Traveling through Hallownest, the Grimm Troupe(she actually became friends with the troupe after when she first teleported to the nightmare realm), trying new things, encountering new friends, the City of Tears(her favorite place because she likes to sit by the fountain and chill for a bit), reading books from the library, her friends and siblings, and sparing.

Dislikes: Randomly transforming into her void entity form, reading about the infection, anything gross, not being able to control her powers, randomly teleporting into both the dream and nightmare realms, and her past(only just a little bit).

Relatives: Ghost, Hornet, and Hollow(siblings)

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