Supersonic/Experiment N005 or 613-1

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Another Lilo and Stitch fankid just dropped! I rewatched Belle and Yaarp's episodes again sometime ago, and it make me remember now much I love the two, so here's a fankid! The son to these two is Supersonic, otherwise mostly known as Sonic.

After the creation of Tao and Dash(both belong to Dragonkingeevee), a new and fifth N series experiment was made. His name was Supersonic. Being more of a cool dude, he usually likes to hang around with Sample and treats him as an older brother figure. They both enjoy making music together, and Sonic has even met the band that Sample had called his one true place. They instantly fell in love with Sonic to the fact that he also performs with them! He also use his music skills when it comes to some of Rosy's mini shows.

His special ability is to amplify sounds with his twin megaphones. By gathering sound around him, Sonic can blast them at a volume so loud, it can be heard from miles away. He can also produce the powerful sonic waves that his dad can with them too, sometimes causing deafness. Like his dad, the megaphones can also produce honking noises when Sonic is in a good mood. He has an additional set of arms that he can retract, but he doesn't use them often. Since he is a boy, the high pitched shriek that comes from his mother sounds more masculine more than anything.

 Since he is a boy, the high pitched shriek that comes from his mother sounds more masculine more than anything

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I really had a blast designing him!

Wanted to add this in for fun, so here is Sample with Sonic!

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Wanted to add this in for fun, so here is Sample with Sonic!

Name: Supersonic, but is mostly called Sonic

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Species: Lilo and Stitch experiment

Experiment number: N005/613-1

Abilities: The megaphones on his head can produce sonic blasts that can sometimes cause deafness and they make honking noises when happy, has a second set of retractable arms but doesn't use them often, his tail is presence and can pick things up, has his mother's high pitched shriek even though it sounds masculine, and can use his megaphones to amplify sounds around him.

Likes: Making music and hanging around with Sample, being a DJ during different occasions(especially when it comes to being the music man for Rosy's shows), listening to many music records, making the honking noises from his megaphones, and going to music concerts.

Dislikes: Scratching his favorite records, causing deafness for nearby people, screaming to where it bursts people's eardrums or glass hardwear, messing up a tune and being late for almost anything, and when people or even himself trip on his tail.

Relatives: The other Lilo and Stitch experiments(mostly Sample), and his parents.

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