Keaka and Kukui/Experiments 630 and 631

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Double experiment time! Here is my first experiment OC duo for the series! As a big Sonic Unleashed fangirl, I thought it would be fun to make Dark Gaia and Light Gaia(Chip)inspired experiments. I gotta go and love my Earth gods of darkness and light from one of my favorite Sonic titles, so here's Keaka and Kukui, Experiments 630 and 631.

After the defeat of Leroy and all of his clones, everything seemed to go back to normal. Well, not really. Jumba decided to secretly make more experiments even before the 628 pod was stolen. The first two he made were Experiments 630 and 631, later named Keaka and Kukui due to their connections to the darkness and light. Both were activated during the same day but at different times, with Kukui during the day, and Keaka at night.

Both had a primary function to disrupt the patterns of day and night and were at their best during a certain part of the day. While Kukui was best during the day, Keaka was at his best at night. At the same time, they had elemental earth powers that they used during their functions as well. Something unique about them is what kinds of food they like. Keaka likes spicy foods, while Kukui like sweet foods, chocolate especially. This allowed Lilo to tame the two of them, who moved them both to a special temple where they not only live, but use their powers to keep the Earth safe and balance both day and night to their fullest.

 This allowed Lilo to tame the two of them, who moved them both to a special temple where they not only live, but use their powers to keep the Earth safe and balance both day and night to their fullest

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It's neat how there isn't an experiment with a serpent body, so Keaka is basically a very unique experiment I've drawn! Anyways here's both!

Name: Keaka

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Species: Lilo and Stitch experiment

Experiment number: 630

Abilities: Disrupts night patterns like star alliances and moon phases, his whiskers, markings on his head and snout, claws, and fiery mane all glow in the dark, produces a special kind of energy that can affect others weirdly at night as well as alter their appearance when infected with it, and has night vision, allowing him to see in the dark.

True place: A shrine with Kukui to balance the nighttime and to keep the Earth safe.

Likes: Spicy foods, causing mischief at night with his energy, infecting others and watching them transform, nature itself and being outdoors, protecting the planet with Kukui, the cool night breeze, and looking up at the moon and starts as he glows.

Dislikes: Sweet foods that are too bitter, sunlight, Kukui being annoying and reversing all of the damage he's done, when his scales crack, and when his fire mane goes out(he can relight it again).

Relatives: The other Lilo and Stitch experiments


Name: Kukui

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Species: Lilo and Stitch experiment

Experiment number: 631

Abilities: Disrupts day patterns like how hot and close the sun can get and what type of clouds are in the sky, the gem on his tail glows in the dark, the antenna can sense threats from a far off distance, and produces a special kind of energy that is the opposite to Keaka's that heals those infected from it or under its weirding spell.

True place: A shrine with Keaka to balance the daytime and to keep the Earth safe.

Likes: Sweet foods(especially chocolate), cooler weather so he can fly around and feel the breeze in his face, nature itself and being outdoors, hearing the rain, and protecting the planet with Keaka.

Dislikes: Being indoors, spicy foods that are too hot and very hot weather, when he is too tired to fly or badly hurts his wings, and sometimes seeing Keaka cause his madness at night.

Relatives: The other Lilo and Stitch experiments

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