Icicle the Ice Controling Spirit

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My second Ori OC is from Niwen, and her name is Icicle. Since I made an Ori OC from Nibel, I thought it would be interesting to do an Ori character from the other forest in the Ori franchise, with that being Niwen. I still recommend the Ori games as a must play, because they are the god tier of indie games in my opinion!

Icicle came into the world before the events of Ori and the Will of the Wisps, but never got to encounter Ori because of Icicle's sometimes shy personality. The two got to meet after the events of the game though, and she became less shy around people after this.

Her home section of Niwen is at Baru's Reach, which is the highest point in the whole area. After falling into an icy lake, ice formed on her ears and tail, along with crystals forming on her tail and horns. This gives her ice abilities.

She uses a lot of ice themed abilities. Examples include shooting ice balls from her hands, launching an ice spike that explodes into methane clathrate, and a spirit arc that fires ice arrows.

Asides from these weapons, she can turn into a flaming ball of methane clathrate and can set many enemies on fire. Baru's Reach has some warm parts, making her body heat up and giving her the ability to use this skill. Her sister is a water controlling spirit named Buttercup(OC belongs to Moonlurkers_crypt708), and even though they sometimes won't get along, they do put aside their differences and tend to be a great sibling duo.

 Her sister is a water controlling spirit named Buttercup(OC belongs to Moonlurkers_crypt708), and even though they sometimes won't get along, they do put aside their differences and tend to be a great sibling duo

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She looks like this

Name: Icicle

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Species: Spirit guardian

Weapons: A spirit arc that can shoot ice arrows, a spike that can explode into methane clathrate, the ability to become a flaming ball of methane clathrate, and ice balls that are formed from her hands.

Likes: Chilling out, taking with Gamma and Ori, when her and her sister get along and do things together, testing and training with her weapons and methane clathrate ability, hearing stories of Niwen's past, and enjoying a nice cup of hot soup.

Dislikes: When her and her sister get into fights or her friends getting hurt, when there is no soup available, when she accidentally sets something ablaze with her methane clathrate ability or with her spike, and messing up her training routine.

Relatives: Buttercup(sibling and OC not belonging to me)

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