Lucius the Wolf

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This wasn't exactly on my list, but after thinking about it, I decided to give Chip, aka Light Gaia, a kid of his own for my Sonic monsters/entities kid series. I headcanon Chip's true form to be a wolf, so I decided to give him a wolf kid! Not to be confused with Noctis, who is a wolfdog(a dog who has some wolf genes in it), Lucius, the name of my Chip kid, is a pure wolf. Also yeah he does have a connection to the girl Abyss.

In the beginning, the two entities of the Earth and of the day and night, Dark and Light Gaia, created the world. During this, they also created their own kids. While the darkness made Abyss, the light made Lucius, a brave and courageous wolf who is a protector of the surface world and of all living things. He loved nature in general, and always loved to tread the Earth that the two gods created together.

As Dark and Light Gaia fought all those years ago when Dark Gaia shattered the planet in the distant past, Abyss and Lucius also fought. They were frenemies, but more on the rival side. They would always fight, since they were opposites and also destined to become the next Dark and Light Gaia. After when the two gods sealed themselves away to sleep, Abyss and Lucius continued doing their duties on the surface world, watching it change in the process. Abyss would spy on the Mobians during the day and night, and Lucius would protect the Earth from danger, knowing that his father would always be with him.

Then Sonic Unleashed happens. Abyss teams up with Eggman, yet she didn't know his real plan. Lucius, however, stayed hidden, since his father had hit his head hard while the two were fighting in space when Eggman forcefully awakened Dark Gaia from its sleep. With his dad's memory becoming lost in the process, Lucius did everything he could to help the citizens of the world while staying hidden from Abyss and her spawns, although he did happen to encounter Sonic in Chun-nan one day from far off, and it seemed that the hedgehog befriended his father. He did like the nickname that Sonic gave to his dad: Chip. Lucius was also happy that his father had made a new friend, and that the two were growing so close together as friends.

Chip did tell Sonic about Lucius once he got his memory back, explaining how the two fought in space before he lost his memory. Sonic's reaction to Chip having a son was priceless, and when the two arrived at Dark Gaia's chamber, Lucius arrived to help Sonic and his father defeat it once again before and after when it turned into its Prefect form. Even after when Chip took Sonic back to the surface world, Lucius came to see Sonic again, and so did Abyss. While Sonic told Abyss that he kept his promise to her, she also forgave Lucius for all of the hassle she had caused when the world shattered and that she was now an ally to Sonic. After that, she disappeared into the ground to go check on her Dark Gaia, her dad.

Thanks to his father, Lucius secretly has a sweet tooth for chocolate. He will even sometimes buy a Chocolate Chip Sundae Supreme to snack on. The bracelets that he wears are similar to the one that Sonic gets from Chip at the end of Unleashed, for they produce a healing power from them, and he can make his wings vanish whenever he feels like it. Even like Abyss, Lucius can dimension hop, so he always likes to tell Chip that Sonic said hello and that he misses him, and tell Sonic that Chip said hello and misses him too back on the surface world.

This is what he looks like

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This is what he looks like

A form I decided to add for him, his Armored form! This form appears once he's reached max power by drawing even more power from the Gaia Temples

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A form I decided to add for him, his Armored form! This form appears once he's reached max power by drawing even more power from the Gaia Temples. Asides from double the strength and durability, the chest core can launch a very impressive laser.

Name: Lucius

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Species: Mobian Wolf

Status: Hero

Additional forms: Armored

Abilities: His bracelets can produce a special healing power that only he can use, his wings can vanish to avoid causing conflicts, collects power from the Gaia Temples in powering his attacks, and can bend and control light to his will.

Likes: Anything chocolate related, especially Chocolate Chip Sundae Supremes, talking to Sonic whenever he feels down and/or misses Chip, visiting Abyss from time to time and fighting her(he used to hate it but now enjoys it), being in nature and tending to plants, and healing things with his bracelets.

Dislikes: Soggy or spilling his ice cream, when his bracelets run out of juice, wilted plants, barren wastelands, not being able to vanish his wings, and accidentally burning other Mobians with his powers.

Relatives: None, but is related to Chip/Light Gaia since he was created by him like how Abyss was created by Dark Gaia.

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