Ghostflame the Silent Crystal Alien

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Here's an OC I made awhile back that I thought would be perfect for Halloween! This character is an original species that I made up not too long ago, and since this character is an alien, I'm like hey let's upload this bad girl to my OC Book here and now! Her name is Ghostflame, and she's an alien called a Silent Crystal.

There have been few reports of Silent Crystals all over the galaxy, making them a rare sight to behold and those who find one are considered to be lucky. These aliens get their names due to their ability to stay still and quiet for a long period of time, making them almost look like statues as they blend into their environment. They usually reside near caverns filled with sparky gemstones, which they will hoard in their dens.

The most recently discovered Silent Crystal has been named Ghostflame and is currently being studied by scientists back on Earth. The planet she resides on isn't too far from ours and it's named Alexandrite. It's only a few miles away from Earth itself, making it a recently discovered planet. A few bits of information has been gathered on her, meaning that the scientists can learn more information on the Silent Crystals like their abilities and what they eat.

On her home planet, Ghostflame will sometimes try to attack the drones and rovers that try to study her, since she usually likes to be alone and only with others of her kind. If there is something the scientists have found out, it's that Silent Crystals possess special fire like powers that come from their hands. They discovered this when Ghostflame used them to destroy a drone that got too close to her. There is still little about her and her species, but the scientists hope to discover more about her in the future.

 There is still little about her and her species, but the scientists hope to discover more about her in the future

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Here they are; yes this is also what Silent Crystals will look like as well.

Name: Ghostflame

Gender: Non-binary, but prefers to be called a she.

Age: Unknown

Species: Silent Crystal(original alien species made by me)

Abilities: Creates a special fire like magic from her hands, can stay still and quiet for a long time, has color changing skin that allows her to blend into her surroundings, and the gems oh her head can paralyze anyone just by staring into them when they glow.

Weak spot: The gem in the center of her chest has no powers, making it less protective and an easy spot to hit.

Likes: Destroying drones and rovers, paralyzing people, and collecting gemstones.

Dislikes: Drones and rovers getting in her face and being defeated in combat.

Relatives: None

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