Hades the Giratina

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The ruler of the Distortion World, Hades, a male Giratina named after the Greek god of the Underworld, can rule his realm however he pleases. Unlike Timekeeper and Marina, Hades can even create time rifts from his very power. This sometimes drains his energy though, but not as much as it drains the Shadow King's.

Now here's something interesting about Hades. He can take on a human form, something that some other legends and myths cannot do(Arctic Ice and Phantom cannot do this while Hades, Marina, and Timekeeper can, and soon, a future Arceus character who is in the works can turn human as well).

Binky, who is an Eevee with a weird color palette on his fur, is Hades' adoptive son. While in his human form, he had happened to stumble across an Eevee that was abandoned by its parents. Having no choice, Hades took the Eevee under his wings and raised him as if the Eevee was his own son. Due to the Eevee's wild and fun loving personality, Hades decided to name the Eevee Binky. Marina and Timekeeper sometimes think that it's weird seeing the Renegade Pokémon raise a simple Eevee on his own, but Hades doesn't mind at all.

Hades has the ability to change his forms while in the mortal realm with the help of his griseous orb, which is in the center of a large pendant around his neck. The pendant stays around his neck while in both forms however.

 The pendant stays around his neck while in both forms however

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Here he is!

And this is what the pendant looks like(pretend that the griseous orb is in the center)

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And this is what the pendant looks like(pretend that the griseous orb is in the center)

And this is what the pendant looks like(pretend that the griseous orb is in the center)

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This what Hades looks like as a human

Name: Hades

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, but is in his mid forties while he's in his human form.

 Level: 85

Species: Giratina

Move set: Shadow force, earth power, dragon pulse, and aura sphere

Likes: He is known for liking to hang with Binky and helping him control his dynamax powers.

Dislikes: The only dislike is that he doesn't like it when Marina and Timekeeper annoy him, even though he still cares about the two of them deeply, and that he doesn't like seeing Binky being made fun of or getting hurt.

Relatives: Is very close to Marina and Timekeeper, who he kind of treats as if they were his brother and sister.

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