Estella the Black Arms Alien

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Yep first villain character everyone. After a while of making heroes and antihero characters I finally set down a design a villain for once. I like the designs for some of the Black Arms aliens in Shadow the Hedgehog(not as much as the Dark Gaia spawn though), so I decided to make one of my own. The name for my Black Arms character is Estella, and as started before, she's my first villain character too. Sorry if the story is a bit rusty, for this is the first time I've written a villain story before.

One of the Black Arms aliens, Estella was very close to her leader Black Doom during the events of Shadow the Hedgehog. She has a connection to Shadow due to him having Black Arms DNA in him, even though Shadow never considered Estella to be his "sister", since the two would always fight and oppose each other. The times where they did get along were the times where they would kill anyone that stood in their path.

When the Black Arms were wiped from existence, Estella was the only one remaining, making her the last of her kind. She felt so infuriated by seeing those she cared about fading away into dust. At the same time, she would also get very emotional about this too, since she was very close to Black Doom. Shadow, who understood her pain of losing someone special to you, would try to confront her. Estella would just oppose Shadow and run away whenever he would try to talk some sense into her. All Shadow wanted to do was redeem her, yet she wouldn't listen to anything he would say to her.

Estella was alone for a few months, but she would eventually be taken in by Dr. Eggman with open arms. She felt safe with him, and she could also get away from Shadow, that annoying hedgehog who thought he could talk some sense into her. Well, she thought that the doctor was her friend until he betrayed her one day. Estella fled, not knowing where else to go but to her home in the city sewers to stay hidden. She would eventually be taken in by the Resistance group with no place to stay.

It's true that Estella is still a villain, but still relies on the Resistance group whenever she feels depressed about seeing her kind gone. Occasionally she'll attack Shadow and the others every once in awhile, but she doesn't kill people like she used to. Before Eggman betrayed her, Estella was actually close friends with Metal Sonic.

This was my first time drawing a Black Arms alien, but here is what she looks like!

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This was my first time drawing a Black Arms alien, but here is what she looks like!

Name: Estella

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, but said to be around 100+ according to Eggman

Species: Black Arms alien

Status: Villain

Abilities: Great agility, can use her tail like a whip to attack enemies, has night vision and can see in the dark, can speak in a human language, has high strength, and a little bit of durability due to her rough skin.

Crush: Liam(OC belongs to B-3NtheHedgehog)

Likes: Beating up Shadow, Sonic, and the rest of their friends on several occasions, talking to Liam and the others about her problems, secretly meeting up with Metal Sonic, and performing heists(raiding the GUN facility is her favorite heist).

Dislikes: Losing to Shadow and the others, thinking about the rest of the Black Arms(she gets highly emotional when she thinks about them, especially when it comes to Black Doom), the day when Eggman betrayed her, and the fear of the GUN agency catching her.

Relatives: Was close to Black Doom(formerly), now close to the Resistance team after the betrayal(currently).

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