Mordeo the Zetihog

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I'd thought I'd never get him finished, but I finally did! Originally, Mordeo, the name of this character, was going to be a normal hedgehog, but after seeing some very interesting pictures of Sonic as a hedgehog and zeti hybrid, I decided to make make him one of those, while also still incorporating the normal hedgehog appearance into his story. Also yeah he's going to be a Sonic Lost World character as well.

Mordeo was at first your average everyday hedgehog. That is, before he got captured by the Deadly Six one day and was sent to the Lost Hex. Here, he was experimented on and due to the experiments, he slowly turned into a zeti and hedgehog hybrid. He was held prisoner with the Deadly Six for years, and absolutely hated them, especially Zavok, since he would always boss Mordeo around. He soon happened to hear about Sonic and Tails arriving in the Lost Hex, and was hoping that either Sonic or Tails would save him from the misery he was placed in.

When Tails was captured during the events of Lost World, the fox happened to first meet Mordeo, and felt sorry for him after hearing everything he had been through during the previous years. Mordeo agreed to help Tails escape and bring him back to Sonic by helping Tails be free of his restraints and also by modifying the robotics on Tails to prevent him from going fully mindless. Even for being part zeti, Mordeo was very intelligent and knew how to do certain types of robotics thanks to watching Eggman and the Deadly Six from doing them. Near the end of the game, Sonic met the hybrid, and Mordeo explained to him that he had modified the robotics on Tails to prevent him from going mindless. Only he, Sonic, and Tails know this fact and haven't told the others(he would eventually tell Annabelle about it after the events of Lost World).

Mordeo wanted to get revenge on the Deadly Six for holding him hostage for all these years, so he and Sonic defeated Zavok together. After when Eggman was defeated once again, Mordeo left the dreaded Lost Hex and journeyed with Sonic and Tails back to their home, where he thrives now. On occasions, he likes to help Tails with anything robotic at his lab, and has even met Annabelle, his sister. Mordeo likes to talk to the Prower siblings and Sonic about his normal hedgehog life before becoming prisoner to the Deadly Six. The whole being prisoner to them part he doesn't like to talk about. When it comes to his more darker times of being a prisoner for all those years, he likes to rely on his girlfriend, Amy Rose, to help him get though it and mend his broken heart.

Mordeo has a super form and Werehog form too. Sonic, in Werehog form, accidently bit Mordeo when showing him his Werehog form, causing some of the Dark Gaia energy to transfer over to him. The super form came from a surprise attack from Eggman and Zavok one day, when Mordeo harnessed the power of the Chaos Emeralds, giving him a super form. He was able to give Zavok a run for his money, since he still hated him to this very day. The emeralds also gave him the ability to use chaos themed attacks, like Shadow.

 The emeralds also gave him the ability to use chaos themed attacks, like Shadow

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Normal Mordeo

Mordeo in his super form

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Mordeo in his super form

And lastly him in his Werehog form

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And lastly him in his Werehog form

Name: Mordeo

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Species: Mobian Hedgehog(formerly), Zetihog(a hybrid between a zeti and a hedgehog; currently)

Status: Hero

Additional forms: Super and Werehog

Crush: Amy Rose(I age her up to 14 by the way)

Abilities: Can use chaos themed attacks(chaos boost, chaos spear, etc. He is currently learning on how to use chaos control with Shadow's help)thanks to the power of the Chaos Emeralds, loves to do and is an expert in robotics, is highly intelligent, can run at fast speeds like a normal hedgehog and has the strength of a zeti(when he goes Werehog the strength doesn't alter but he still can't run fast either).

Likes: Working on robotics with Tails and Annabelle, running around and using his Werehog form with Sonic, training with Shadow, going into his super form when in battle, exploring Mobius, enjoying some silence, and doing his own training routines.

Dislikes: Eggman and the Deadly Six(especially Zavok), winding up in a place he doesn't want to be in with chaos control, losing control of his chaos powers or Werehog form, thinking about when he was held prisoner at the Lost Hex, explosions in general(he is sensitive to loud noises), and explosions from nonworking robotics.

Relatives: None

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