Louts the Gardener/Undertaker Orchid Mantis

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A new Hollow Knight character arrives! After seeing a picture of an orchid mantis on the internet, I knew I had to design a character centered around one! They are very beautiful in my opinion! This character goes by the name of Lotus, and she's rather unique because she's a gardener by day and an undertaker by night! My friend helped me come up with her background, so thanks to her!

Lotus lives in a village, but the Mantis Village in the Fungal Wastes doesn't compare to it. This village is found in Queen's Gardens, and it's behind a cave covered with vines. Because of this, it makes this mysterious place a hidden gem. Once inside, you'll find it. A beautiful, pastel village filled with insects, bugs, and other creatures like never before. This is where Lotus and her cousin live.

She tends to the plants in her village and in Queen's Gardens, since Lotus is a garden and loves to tend to any type of plant. When she wants some quiet time, she likes to sit by the grave of the Traitor Lord's offspring, where she often hums songs to herself and spend some quality time alone and away from the madness she has to deal with. Lotus is also fascinated by the frail petals of the Delicate Flowers the bloom near the grave, and loves to take them with her when she has the shot.

The people of the hidden village may know Louts by day, but they don't know her by night, because she has a secret job during the night. That is being an undertaker. She has her own weapon, a lance, and uses it to defend herself at night when traveling to the Abyss and caring for the shades down there. To the shades and to those who know her secret identity, she is known as the mother of the shades, and is even well trusted by the Lord of Shade himself to watch his shades and to make sure they stay out of mischief.

 To the shades and to those who know her secret identity, she is known as the mother of the shades, and is even well trusted by the Lord of Shade himself to watch his shades and to make sure they stay out of mischief

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This is what she looks like!

Name: Lotus

Gender: Female

Age: 35

Species: Orchid Mantis

Main weapon: A lance she uses to fight others

Likes: Caring for the shades, gardening, having quiet time, lancing in her free time, looking after her cousin, and studying plant life all across Hallownest.

Dislikes: Breaking a flower, when the shades leave her or cause trouble, when her cousin gets into mischief or wreaks their house, her gardens being ruined, and having her quiet time interrupted.

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