Deathbringer/Experiment 628

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Let's be real. It's a shame that the Lilo and Stitch series never showed us what Experiment 628 looked like ever since seeing its pod at the end of the episode with Experiment 627 in it. The pod itself got seen, but the experiment was never activated. What if that experiment was activated? I've seen people's interpretations of this unknown experiment, so I did my own. An experiment inspired off of How to Train your Dragon's Deathgrippers, meet my experiment 628: Deathbringer.

After the defeat of Experiment 627, another pod was made. A pod for Experiment 628. Jumba kept this pod hidden, for it remained a secret to the others and was never activated. After the events of Leroy and Stitch, a group of defective Leroys called the Red Renegades(OC group belongs to Dragonkingeevee)decided to steal the pod for themselves. By using their most agile member Mini, they were able to steal the pod from Jumba's lab. With the pod in their possession, they then activated it, unleashing the monstrosity known as Deathbringer.

This experiment was made to be a more advanced version of 627 and to surpass the flaws of 626, or Stitch. He can only lift 1,000 times his own weight, but is mostly known for his venom. The venom can usually kill anything on sight, hence his name Deathbringer. There at first wasn't a cure for it, but Jumba had worked of a cure to heal the venom from Experiment 628 after finding out that his secret experiment had been unleashed. The antidote is the only thing known to cure the venom from Deathbringer, as well as using it on him weakens his attacks.

He is also agile, for his moments make him look like as if he was flying, and his blades can cut though anything, even steel. For being another evil experiment, he has had rivalry and fights with Stitch, and instantly befriended Experiment 627 and Leroy, as well as one of Jumba's old helpers: Chopsuey, or experiment 621 from the Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626 game.

 For being another evil experiment, he has had rivalry and fights with Stitch, and instantly befriended Experiment 627 and Leroy, as well as one of Jumba's old helpers: Chopsuey, or experiment 621 from the Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626 game

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Welp, this is my Experiment 628 design! Enjoy!

Name: Deathbringer

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Species: Lilo and Stitch experiment

Experiment number: 628

Abilities: Can lift 1,000 times his own weight, retractable second pair of arms, tail barb and pinchers contain venom that can poison the victims, arm blades can slice through any material, and is very agile.

Likes: Unknown, with the only facts being that he likes fighting, killing, and badly injuring people.

Dislikes: Unknown, but the only known dislike is the fact of losing against Stitch.

Relatives: Even though he is one of the many experiments, he doesn't relate to them due to being evil(asides from Experiment 627 since he's friends with him, Chopsuey, and Leroy).

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