Lainey the Lykoi Cat

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Here's my first OC from the Klonoa franchise! These games deserve a lot more love, because I believe that they are a hidden gem from Bandai Namco, the publishers of the games! Guntz is my favorite character from the series, and so I gave him a girlfriend! Lainey is the name of this OC from the world of Klonoa! I hope you like her since it took me sometime to come up with her backstory.

Before meeting the love of her life, Lainey had no friends due to many getting scared of her due to her appearance. They would always call her names like wolfcat or werecat, since she had the similarities of a werewolf even though she wasn't one herself. This is why she always isolated herself from others and usually liked being alone. She feared that they would make fun of her again if she got too close. Her family still loved her though.

When she was old enough, she learned to use different weapons and master different techniques with them. A bow and arrow was her main weapon of choice, and always loved doing archery in her free time. It was a good way to get away from those who bullied her. Soon, she happened to receive a strange invitation to a championship called the Dream Champ Tournament. Apparently her skills were so grand, she was accepted into the competition. This was where she met her future boyfriend, Guntz.

At first, Guntz was harsh to Lainey and had called her weak, which hurt her deeply. She proved him wrong by challenging him to a battle and winning in the process. Guntz admitted that she was strong after when he was defeated by her, and they both became friends. This made Lainey realize that he did care for others, even if he never showed it. After awhile, Guntz then started acting weird. He would blush and his tail would even wag at the sight of Lainey. It turned out that he really liked Lainey, but was scared to tell her how he really felt. Once the tournament ended, he finally declared his love for her. Without hesitation, Lainey kissed Guntz, and the two had been dating since then. Training together, hanging out with their friends Klonoa and Lolo, and doing everything in between. The two always had each other's backs no matter what.

 The two always had each other's backs no matter what

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This is her!

Name: Lainey

Gender: Female

Age: Seventeen

Species: Lykoi cat

Status: Hero

Crush: Guntz

Abilities: Can use a variety of weapons but likes to use a bow and arrow as her main weapon, she can drive her boyfriend's motorcycle, and has very fast reflexes, making her hard to catch.

Likes: Being with her boyfriend and friends, going on vacation to Phantomile and Lunatea, driving Guntz's motorcycle, training, and doing archery.

Dislikes: When Guntz becomes selfish and rude, losing her arrows or her gun, when Guntz's motorcycle runs out of fuel, and accidentally tripping on Klonoa's ears or grabbing her boyfriend's tail.

Relatives: Her family from another world.

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