Manta of the Orcinus Organization

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I've hopped on the bandwagon on making an OC for Goonya Monster, my most recent fixation, so here's Manta! After a full week of playing the game, I can finally get around to writing her story and sharing it with all of you. Let's begin!

Born a half monster with one of her parents actually being a Monster, Manta never had any friends growing up because of this. She was also the only child since she never had any siblings. That wasn't until she met Orca one day while visiting the forest, the two becoming immediate besties after bonding over nature. They almost did everything together when they were kids, Manta always visiting the forest to see her first friend.

But when the deforestation happened, everything changed. Manta was separated from Orca and the two never saw each other again until years later, after when Orca had that fateful encounter with Dr. Virus(explained in Episode 5 of the game)and was made the leader of the Monster organization Orcinus. She explained her case to her old friend after a tearful reunion and asked Manta to be her "co-leader". Manta gladly accepted the role, and worked under her friend's wing as "co-leader" of Orcinus ever since. Sometimes she tends to think about her parents every once in awhile, hoping that they're alright ever since she left home to be the "co-leader" of Orcinus.

Her Monster form is the Nega-Gargoyle and her first transformation was around 13 years of age. Even when she was separated from Orca, Manta still had her fair share love of nature like her old friend, so she was determined to protect nature after the deforestation and before her and Orca were reunited. That burning desire, as well as that rage, caused her to first change into her Monster form. It took some time, but by the time she and Orca were together again, Manta could fully take ahold of her Monster form. She can even switch between being both a human and Monster freely. During Episode 5, Manta also takes the time to bond with the main cast as well as help comfort Pirarucu whenever she felt down about her stepbrother Clione.

 During Episode 5, Manta also takes the time to bond with the main cast as well as help comfort Pirarucu whenever she felt down about her stepbrother Clione

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Main appearance; her first appearance would be Episode 3 if she was in the game!

Also I'm falling down a huge Yoohoo X Goonya Monster rabbit hole ever since I started drawing Yoohooed versions of the characters(I HAVE A STORY TOO CALLED YOOHOO MONSTER: MONSTERS UNCHAINED GO CHECK IT OUT NOW NOW NOW). So here, have a Yoohooed Manta where I made her a sungazer.

 So here, have a Yoohooed Manta where I made her a sungazer

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Name: Manta

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Species: Half human and half Monster

Affiliation: Co-leader of Orcinus

Monster form: Nega-Gargoyle(screenshot taken from my Switch and yeah I know I changed it last moment cause I started obsessing over the Gargoyles lol)

Monster form: Nega-Gargoyle(screenshot taken from my Switch and yeah I know I changed it last moment cause I started obsessing over the Gargoyles lol)

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Likes: A fair share of nature, working with Orca and Orcinus, and sometimes battling Undead.

Dislikes: Remembering the deforestation from years back and seeing Orca and their allies in bad positions.

Relatives: She has parents, but doesn't know where they are at the moment.

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