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After patching up Barbara's hand, Y/n went back outside and left her alone. When she was outside, Steve, Nancy, Tommy, and Carol were in the pool fooling around. Taking a inhale she went to turn away and leave.

"C'mon Hopper, have a swim!" Steve shouted slightly drunk.

Y/n stopped and looked back "Yeahh, no, I'm good I don't have any extra clothes." She said.

Without a word Steve hopped out of the pool "C'mon, or imma give you a hug." He said.

Confused Y/n took a step back. She hadn't heard Steve Harrington say that, not since middle school. The teen chuckled "Uhm, I'll have to pass." She said.

"Alright, thats it." Steve charged towards her, and lifted Y/n completely up off the ground.

Y/n's eyes widened as she tried to wiggle free, as Steve got closer to the pool. Suddenly he practically threw Y/n, and she landed right in the pool. Y/n hardly had time to hold her breath, and swam up as fast as she could.

"Steve!" Y/n shouted gasping for air, "What the hell?!"

Steve just laughed, and then threw himself into the pool. Y/n swam back and sighed "This has been great and all, but I'd rather not do this." She said.

"C'mon, don't be such a loser." Tommy said splashing water at her.

Y/n scoffed and pulled herself out of the pool "Yeah, uhm too drunk for a swim." She mumbled.

Carol groaned "So boring." She sneered, "God, I don't know why Steve invited you."

Y/n frowned and looked over that Steve "Yeah, I dunno why either." She said, pushing herself to her feet.

That night Y/n had quickly left. When she got home, she saw her dad outside with some woman. And when Y/n walked inside, her and Jim had gotten in a small fight, which had Y/n quickly left by locking herself in her room.

The next day Y/n awoke with a nasty hang over. Groaning she climbed out of bed rubbing her face, her head was absolutely throbbing. She wobbled out of her room, getting some water and advil. She quickly popped the pills in her mouth, and chugged the water.

"Fuck." Y/n grumbled, clearly not ready to go to school with the fattest hang over ever.

Suddenly the phone began ringing, and Y/n just groaned again. She wobbled her eay over to the phone, and answered it with a grumbled hello.

"Y/n, make sure you go to school." Her dads voice said, "And when I get home, we're having a serious talk."

"Yeah, that's if you come home." Y/n retorted tiredly.

"Do not talk to me like that." Jim said annoyed, "I'm very disappointed in you, especially with your behavior from last night."

"Oh I'm sure you are." Y/n grumbled "Dad, I don't have time for this, I need to go." She said before hanging up, "Jesus christ."

When Y/n rode up to school Charlie had instantly found her car, and came rushing over to her. The redhead let out a laugh, as Y/n sluggishly climbed out of the car.

"So, how'd last night go?" Charlie questioned, holding out a cup of coffee.

"Thank god." Y/n whispered quickly grabbing the coffee and taking a drink, "Terrible. The only good thing was the booze." She said.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now