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Y/n walked around the upstairs with Nancy and Robin, Steve and Dustin were also some where upstairs. Y/n was in an old bedroom, with everything still inside it. The room seemed to be a little boys room, based on the way it was decorated. There were old broken car toys on the ground, and aged paper all around.

Y/n walked over to the small desk in the corner of the room, and pulled open the drawer. She let out a yelp, and flinched back when she noticed a spider had made a nest in there.

"You okay?" Robin asked walking in the room.

Y/n let out a sigh and nodded "Yeah." She breathed "Just, I really hate spiders." She says.

Robin shivers and joins Y/n "Yeah, I don't blame you." She says, "They're freaky."

Y/n's face scrunched up in discomfort "Freaky is an understatement." She says shivering.

Robin frowns and looks at some of the books "Kid was reading some pretty good books." She says, nudging a book on the bed with her flashlight.

"What books?" Y/n asked curiously.

"Well 'Good Night Moon' is one of them." Robin says.

Y/n looks over and a large smile falls on her face "Really?" She asks, rushing over to her friend "My dad used to read that to me, every night before bed."


Y/n nods enthusiastically "Yeah, he used to read it to me and Sara." She says, "He would also try to read it to me....whenever I was sad."

"When was the last time he read it to you?" Robin asks.

Y/n frowns "Well he read it to me after my mom left, then....then he read it to me when I told him me and Steve weren't friends anymore."

Robin smiled "It's nice to hear you talk about him." She says gently, "I never...I never really knew him, but he sounds like he was a great dad."

Y/n smiles sadly and tears build up, she lets out a shaky breath "He....he really was." She whispered "I miss much Rob."

Robin reaches over and gently rubs her friends back "I know." She says.

Quickly clearing her throat, and wiping her tears Y/n looks over at Robin"Have you seen Steve?" She asks already missing the presence of her goofy boyfriend.

Robin steps away from Y/n, shaking her head "Uh, somewhere up here." She says waving her free hand "Think this kid like art?"

Y/n shrugged "Possibly." She says "Be carful of the drawers fill of spiders." She adds.

Robin gags "Ew, ew, ewww." She complains shivering.

"I'm gonma go try and find my dumbass." Y/n says before walking out of the room.

Y/n walks down the hall, peaking into rooms to see if she could find him. In the room next to her and Robin, was Nancy who was looking through the closet with hesitation. There was a sound of shattering glass, from the bathroom in front of her. And moments later, Steve came stumbling out waving his hands around.

"Jesus christ!" Y/n exclaimed startled for a moment "What the hell Steve?"

Steve looks over at Y/n "There was a spider." He says breathlessly.

Y/n reaches over and grabs some cobwebs off his jacket "What?"

"It's a black widow." Steve says wiping his arms, before looking over at the door and practically slamming it shut. He looks back at Y/n "Don't go in there."

Y/n smiles and shakes her head "God, you're such a dork." She says fondly, but gasps when Steve turns around "Oh my god."

Steve looks at her with wide eyes "What? What?" He askes "Is there a fucking spider in my hair?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now