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After stealing back their supplies, the three teenagers went to Joyce's house to set everything up. The screwed back in all the Christmas light bulbs, so they'd know when it would want to make an appearance. They set up traps, and added nails to a bat. Loaded the guns they had, poured gasoline on the floor. Now the three of them stood in a circle, going over the plan once more.


"Straight into Will's room. And-"

"Don't step on the trap." Y/n added finishing Nancy's sentence.

"Wait for the yo-yo to move." Nancy said.

"Then..." Jonathan said flicking his lighter.

"Then we flambé that ugly sucker." Y/n said confidently.

"All right. You guys ready?" Jonathan asked holding the sharp knife.

"Ready." Y/n said pulling out her pocket knife, and flipping it open.

"Ready." Nancy said placing her owm knife on her palm

"On three. One....two..." Jonathan paused and looked at the two "You don't have to do this."

"Jonathan, stop talking." Nancy said shaking her head.

"I'm just saying, you don't have to-"

"Three." Y/n said cutting him off, pressing down and dragging the blade across her palm.

Y/n winced, as blood pooled around her palm and the blade. Jonathan groaned "Shit." He mumbled.

Y/n squeezed her cut palm, forming a fist. She walked around a bit, letting the blood drip around. Nancy and Jonathan both doing the same, "Lets hope it brings this asshole out of hiding." She mumbled.

"Do we have a first aid kit or something?" Nancy asked wincing "I wanna wrap this up now."

"Yeah, I'll go grab it." Jonathan said walking off, his hand still dripping with blood.

Y/n walked over to the couch, and sat on the table while Nancy sat on the couch. Jonathan came back a second later, and sat next to Nancy opening up the kit.

"Let me wrap your hand first." Jonathan said to Nancy.

"I can wrap myself up." Y/n said grabbing one of the bandage rolls.

Y/n easily wrapped her hand up tightly, she had done this at least a hundred times. Her and Jim had a lot of accidents whil they fixed up her car, and even before that Y/n was always getting herself hurt. Just as Nancy finished up Jonathan's hand, there was a creaking sound.

"Did you hear that?" Nancy asked looking around.

"It's just the wind." Jonathan said.

Y/n chuckled and tied the bandage off "Are you trying to convince us that, or yourself?" She asked standing up.

"Don't worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes." Jonathan said.

"Speak?" Nancy asked.

"Weird way to describe it, I guess." Y/n said walking back and forth, looking at the Christmas lights above her.

"Blink." Jonathan added.

"So, they flicker whenever this thing makes an appearance?" Y/n asked stopping, and looking over at the two.

"Basically." Jonathan said looking at her with a nod "Think of them as alarms."

"Huh." Y/n said with a shrug "I mean, our lights were flickering in that place, when we were by that thing." She said, "I guess it makes sense." She said to herself ignoring the conversation the other two were having.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now