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Y/n quickly got to her feet, and ran over to her dad tackling him in a hug. She hadn't seen her dad in days, hadn't spoken to him either. Jim hugged his daughter back tightly, never wanting to let go. The older man took a step back, and looked down at his daughter. A frown fell on his face, when he saw how beaton up she was. And anger bubbled up inside him.

"What the fuck happened to you." Jim interrogates "Who laid their hands on you?"

Y/n looked up at her dad witch a chuckle "Steve looks worse than me." She said.

"He was with you?" Jim asked his glare going to Steve, "Harrington, what the fuck happened to my daughter!"

Steve nervously walked over to the two "We, uh, we got kidnapped and interrogated." He said nervously.

"And you let my daughter get beat?" Jim said protectively, a scowl on his face.

Steve gulped "In my defense, we got separated. And I got my ass beat for trying to get to her." He said truthfully.

Y/n gently smacked her dad "Quit it, it's not his fault." She said, "So, how was your trip to Hawaii?" She teased looking at the shirt.

Jim scoffed and rolled his eyes "It was shit." He answered, "Is your sister okay?" He asked.

Behind them Joyce was helping Jonathan wrap up, and clean El's leg. But their resources were very, very limited. Y/n looked back for a second, before looking back at her dad "She's in pain, but she's strong."

"What even happened to her?" Jim asked.

Y/n shrugged "I've got no clue, we've been separated for days." She said "We got trapped in a secret Russian base under the mall."

Jim stared at his daughter and sighed "I'm sick of fucking commies." He mumbled.

"Did you have Russian problems too?" Y/n questioned tilting her head.

Jim shook his head, and hugged Y/n again. He placed a kiss at the top of her head, "I've had all sorts of problems." He mumbled.

Y/n hugged her dad back, squeezing him "I missed you." She said.

Jim stepped back and looked down with a laugh "It was only a few days, kiddo." He said ruffling up her hair "I missed you too." He mumbled kissing the top of his daughters head once more.

Y/n smiled "You should go check on El." She said, looking back at her sister who was being checked up on by Joyce. Y/n looked back to her dad "Before you go, whats been going on with you and Joyce?" She asked grinning.

Jim looked at his daughter "What? Nothing?" He nervously lied, "What are you talking about." He mumbled before walking over to check on El.

Y/n snorted in amusement, and shook her head "Jesus."

"Do you think he hates me?" Steve asked nervously.

Y/n looked over at Steve and smiled softly "No, I think he's just glad we're alive." She said, "He's got a weird way of showing it."

Steve sighed "God, I hate all this upside down shit." He complained.

Y/n frowned "Me too. But, let's go beat this thing again. And hopefully it'll stay gone." She said, grabbing Steve's hand and dragging him over to the group.

Everyone was standing in a semi-circle. Robin sat on the fountain away a bit, unsure of what was happening. Joyce, El, and Jim all sat together on a bench. El was definitely looking a lot better than she had before.

"The mind flayer, it built thus monster in Hawkins, to stop El, to kill her and pave a way into our world." Mike began explaining.

"And it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it." Nancy added on.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now