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Y/n stares at Max(who was sleeping on the couch)whoes eyes were close, she couldn't tell if she was asleep or not. Everyone had decided to sleep in the basement together, taking shifts to check on Max. Nancy had woken up Y/n, so that she could get some sleep. And after the events of today, she didn't mind staying up to watch Max.

Her eyes kept darting from the book in her lap, to the clock in front of her, and then to Max. Y/n was nervous, beyond nervous. There was nothing that could keep her distracted, and whenever she was it was only a few minutes. She had been up for at least an hour or two, it was currently 4am.

"I'm not sleeping I hope you know." Max suddenly speaks, taking her headphones off and sitting up.

Y/n smiles "I figured." She said "Must be hard when we're all blasting music your ears."

Max rolls her eyes "Hardly noticed it." She jokes.

"How are you doing?" Y/n asked gently, looking at the girl with worry.

Max falls silent, and brings her knees up to her chest "I'm scared." She whispers.

Y/n frowns "I know kiddo." She murmurs "But we'll do whatever we can to keep you safe."

"What if we can't do it?" Max asks "What if you can't save me?"

"Then I'll kill Vecna myself." Y/n says lowly looking away from Max.

The teen laughs lightly with a smile "Well, make it painful." She say, "How about you?"

Y/n shakes her head "I-...I'm trying to keep it together." She whispers.

Max's smile disappointed completely, and was replaced with an expression of sympathy "I wish I got to know your dad more." She whispers.

" too." Y/n murmurs "I wish my future kids would've been able to meet him." She adds.

Max raises a brow "You want kids?" She asks in amusement, "Didn't think you would, especially with all the babysitting you do."

Y/n grins "Oh, I definitely want kids." She said, "And I'll make Dustin and all the rest of you babysit them."

Max lets out an airy laugh "What, is this some sort of revenge?" She jokes.

Y/n nods enthusiastically "Oh yeah." She says, "Been planning this for ages."

"Does...does Steve want kids?"

Y/n's expression falls to a frown, and she looks down at her sleeping boyfriend. He was facing towards her stomach, his mouth slightly open as he snored lightly.

"Uhm....we've never really talked about that." Y/n mumbles "I'm gonna be honest, I don't think he does want kids."

Max frowns "What makes you think that?" She asks.

Y/n shrugs and looks up "I mean, yeah he definitely loves you guys." She says, "But I mean, if he did want kids wouldn't he say something?"

"These past years haven't been easy, I mean I heard about what happened with him and Nancy." Max said "Maybe, he's scared."

Y/n's eyes widened slightly "You're so right." She gasped, "I should've realized."

Max chuckles and then sighs "What do you think Mike, El, and Will are doing?" She asks.

Everyone had been trying to call anyone thay was in California, but they always got a busy signal. With everything that has been going on, no one was really thinking about how odd it was.

"I'm not sure." Y/n answers "I'm sure everything's okay with them."

Max sighs "I really hope so." She whispers, a worrier look on her face "I just wanna know if they're safe."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now