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Y/n sluggishly walked through the store, grabbing random food items for Eddie. Steve had gone off to go grab the six pack he requested, and everyone else waited in the car. The night before Y/n and Steve cleaned out the back portion of his car, which was packed with some old moving boxes they had never taken out. Now everyone was able to squeeze in one car.

Y/n was always up front with Steve, and every time Dustin tried to steal her spot she'd wack him. So he'd squeeze in the back with Nancy and Robin, while Max and Lucas were in the back back. Suddenly a hand was gently placed on Y/n's shoulder, causing her to flinch and spin around in alarm. Steve was standing behind her, with a worried look on his face.

"Hey, you okay?" Steve asked gently taking a step back.

Y/n nodded waving her hand tiredly "Yeah...sorry couldn't really sleep." She mumbles.

Steve smiles "Well, if it makes you feel better I bought you a cup of coffee." He says, holding up a coffee cup from the store across the street.

Quickly Y/n takes the cup from him "Did you really go out of your way to get this?" She asks, a small smile falling in her lips.

"Well I mean you were looking really sluggish this morning-"

Y/n glares at her boyfriend "Sluggish is a goddamn understatement." She says, gratefully taking a drink of the warm liquid.

Steve rolls his eyes "Not to mention, you punched Dustin in the face."

"I said I was sorry!" Y/n exclaimed walking off to grab more food, "It's not like I wanted to punch him. At that moment."

Steve shanks his head and follows after her "We gotta hurry." He reminds.

"I know. I know." Y/n said dismissively waving her free hand, before gulping down more coffee.

The group was gathered in Steve's car, driving to Reefer Rick's house to drop off Eddie's stuff. And to tell him about what they've found so far, but not in too great if detail.

"Not to be a wimp, but can I sit in the car for this visit?" Robin asked, she was still sitting in the backseat with Nancy and Dustin "'Cause this is totally and royally suck."

"It'll be fine." Nancy said from beside her.

Robin sighs "I jusy can't stand to see thoes dull eyes of Eddie's break again. I really, really can't." She says in a defeated voice.

Y/n nods in agreement "It's like watching someone kick a puppy." She mumbles, taking a drink of her second coffee.

"At least he can drink himself into feeling better." Steve said from beside Y/n.

"Thays what my mom does." Max spoke.

Y/n sighs "My dad did the same thing." She says in a hallow voice.

"Why don't we give it a trial run?" Robin suggests " 'Hey, Eddie. Uh, good news first this time. We got you some Y/n and Dustim approved junk food and that six-pack you requested. Oh yeah, and we found Vecna. Only bad news is he's in that other, darker, nuch scarier dimension, that we told you about, and the gates closed, so we have no eay of getting to him. Like he's entirely shut off to us so basically you're screwed. And, no, no, I know you were already screwed, but now you're doubly, triply screwed.'"

Y/n shrugs "Yeah, thats probably how the visit will good." She says.

"Wait. Maybe we don't put it like that." Lucas says from the very back.

"But it's the truth, we're screwed." Y/n mumbled shaking her head "We have no way of opening the gate."

"'We're one step closer to finding Vecna.'" Nancy says "Thats whay we say. That's whats important."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now