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The entire hub was drenched now, and the group stood at the tunnel they had came from. Steve tossed his lighter, and the whole hub burst into flames. A odd screeching emitted from the fire, as vines flailed around.

"Go, go, go!" Steve shouted pushing the kids back "Lets go!" He shouted.

Y/n ran right behind Steve, jumping over vines "Oh shit, oh shit!" She cursed.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" Dustin panicked.

"Hold on, move!" Steve exclaimed moving to the front, since he was the one now with the map.

He lead the group through the tunnels, following the map as quickly as he could. Thoes dogs would be here any second now. Y/n stayed in the back, since it was the safest option for the kids. Suddenly Mike tripped and fell, a vine wrapping around his leg.

"Help! Help! Y/n! Help!" Mike cried trying to pull his foot away to no avail.

"Mike!" Dustin shouted instantly turning around, the others falling in his step.

"Hold still!" Y/n shouted pulling out her gun, and shooting the part of the vine furthest from Mike. But the vine didn't give.

"Everybody move!" Steve shouted running up, and bashing the vine with his bat several times.

The vine finally let go of Mike's leg, and Dustin and Lucas helped him to his feet "We gotta go guys." Y/n said.

"You okay?" Dustin and Lucas asked Mike, helping him with his balance.

Mike just nodded still shaken up "Yeah, I think so." He breathed.

"Guys, we gotta go!" Steve exclaimed.

A screech from right behind them was heard, and everyone spun around. A growling and seriously pissed off demo-dog stood there, right in the path where they needed to go to get out.

"Dart." Dustin said staring down at the creature.

Y/n shook her head looking to her small friend "Seriously?" She asked "You gonna try and make friends with him, now?"

"Wait how are we supposed to get out now?" Max panicked.

"We're so screwed." Lucas groaned.

"Shhhh. Stop." Dustin said holding up a finger to silent everyone, as he started walking forward.

"Dustin, get back." Max exclaimed her eyes going wide as he continued walking.

Y/n grabbed his bag, but he pulled away fron her "Dust what the hell!" She hissed.

"Henderson, get your ass back here!"

"Trust me, please." Dustin said as he stopped walking, and Dart slowly made his way to them "Hey. It's me, it's me. It's just your friend, it's Dustin." He continued taking his goggles and mask off.

"Oh my god, he's an idiot...." Y/n whispered.

"It's Dustin all right. You remember me?" Dustin questioned crouching down, Dart now almost a foot away from him "Will you let us pass."

Dart's flower like mouth open, and he screeched. Everyone flinched at this, and Y/n grabbed Steve's hand squeezing it. Dustin didn't even move, he just stayed there.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do." Dustin said with a very light chuckle, he then reached for his bag "You hungry? Yeah?" Dart chirp as if he was saying yes, and he wiggled

"He's insane!" Lucas hissed.

"Don't." Mike said looking over at his friend and shutting him down completely.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now