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When Steve awoke the next morning, the smell of breakfast was moving throughout the house. His head was throbbing, and he hardly remembered a thing after his talk with Nancy. He remembered vaguely talking to Y/n, and a little bit of the drive home. Groaning he climbed out of bed, his clothes from last night still on.

Steve rubbed his head, and grabbed a change of clothes before quickly changing. He made his way downstairs, his head still throbbing. He could hear music from the radio, and sizzling. When he turned into the kitchen, he saw Y/n moving around and cooking.

She was wearing one of his t-shirts, and her shorts she had left here. She always had her clothes here, they mostly stayed in the spare room. Her hair was down and in waves, from the bun she had it in from the night before.

"Wow, it smell amazing down here." Steve said making his presence known.

Y/n looked back and smiled "Mornin' sleepy head." She said grinning, "There's a bottle of excedrin on the table for you, and a glass of water."

"Thanks." Steve mumbled walking over to the table and grabbing the bottle.

"So, you wanna tell me what happened last night?" Y/n asked as she dished some eggs on two separate plates.

"What part?" Steve asked swallowing two of the pills, and downing them with water.

"The Nancy part." Y/n said "Where she said you were bullshit." She added walking over to the table and setting two plates down.

Steve sighed and sat down quickly eating "She called me bullshit, and basically said she didn't love me." He said

Y/n went silent "She's bullshit." She scoffed shaking her head, she couldn't believe that Nancy would say that to him.

"It doesn't matter." Steve sighed shaking his head "I just.....wanna forget about it." He mumbled.

"No, you aren't gonna go forget about it." Y/n said her tone annoyed, "You need to talk to her, figure out if she actually meant what she said or not."

Steve shook his head "I can't." He whispered "What if she meant it Y/n, what if she really meant it?" He asked.

"Then....screw her. If she doesn't love you, she's an idiot." Y/n said taking a bite of her food, "You're an amazing guy, and-and anyone would be lucky to have you." She stuttered.

"Thanks Y/n/n." Steve said with a smile a light pink blush on his cheeks, he didn't know how much her word affected him.

Y/n sat on the bleachers in the gym, it was her free period and she was just drawing and watching Steve play basketball. Billy also unfortunately had this class, and was playing shirtless. Something Y/n really didn't want to see, but at the same time she couldn't deny that he was a little hot. Even if he was a total asshat.

She was hardly even focused on Billy, only sending him hard glares. Y/n was more focused on Steve, checking him out. Something she seemed to do a lot, without even noticing half the time. The guilt she felt everytime she caught herself doing it, she wanted to slap herself for it.

Y/n watched as Billy taunted Steve, she couldn't really hear them. But she could tell, that Billy was getting under his skin. The two were fighting for the basketball, Billy right behind Steve following ever movement. Suddenly Steve had fallen to the ground, due to Billy tripping him and scoring again. Billy looked to the stands, and winked at Y/n, causing her face to scrunch up in disgust.


Looking over, Y/n saw an irritated Nancy "Oh boy." She mumbled.

Steve let out what looked to be a sigh, and he followed Nancy out of the gym. Y/n sighed and looked back at her drawing, ignoring how badly she wanted to follow them and listen in on their conversation. She looked back at the game, and Steve's team was getting absolutely bodied. It also didn't help that Billy wasn't playing fairly either.

"Hey, Hopper, go get Harrington!" One of the boys shouted at Y/n.

Sighing Y/n set her book down, and climbed down the bleachers before rushing outside. She turned the corner into the little weird alleyway, and saw Steve and Nancy there.

"Hey, Steve, your guys really need you in there." Y/n said "They're getting bodied man." She added.

"Okay, hold on." Steve said glancing at Y/n, before looking back at Nancy.

He stared at her, like he was waiting for to say some. Nancy just looked down, and Steve scoffed shaking his head and walking away.

"I think that your bullshit, Nancy." Steve said upset, he walked past Y/n without another word. Y/n just stared at Nancy, before following after her bestfriend.

What the hell just happened?

"So, you gonna tell me what happened?" Y/n asked as her and Steve sat at lunch together, sitting at one of the benches outside away from everyone.

He hadn't said a word about what happened between him and Nancy, that and Y/n hadn't asked till now. She was hesitant to ask.

Steve sighed "We broke up basically." He said with a shrug, "She doesn't love me, she couldn't even say she did."

"What made her change up so fast...." Y/n mumbled shaking her head "I don't understand."

"Maybe cause she loves Jonathan." Steve suggested with a bitter tone.

Y/n's eyes widened slightly, now that she didn't expect. She knew Jonathan's feelings for Nancy, but she didn't expect Nancy to have thoes feelings as well. Y/n didn't know what to say at this point, she just looked down at her food.

Steve shook his head "What's even worse is.....I don't know if I loved her anymore." He said in realization.

"What!" Y/n gasped in shock "But-but you seemed so happy?" She said in confusion.

"After I saw her with Jonathan last year, our relationship, it just didn't feel the same." Steve said shaking his head, "And I know that's not her fault, it's mine. I was-i was a shitty boyfriend." He ranted.

"Don't say that Steve, you weren't a shit boyfriend." Y/n said reaching across the table and grabbing his hand, squeezing it gently "Some people just...don't work out."

Steve shrugged "I dunno, can we just not talk about this anymore, please?" He begged

Y/n nodded "Yeah, of course." She said moving her hand away from his.

"Do you have plans after school?" Steve asked looking up at her.

"I plan on leaving early, I've gotta check on the boys." Y/n said in a guilty tone "I haven't talked with them for a while, and then I've gotta head home." She added.

Y/n hadn't spoken to the boys in over a week, hadn't checked up on them or anything. And she felt so guilty, especially with how Will is and everything. She also had to check up on El, make sure she was doing okay. She felt guilty for not being there, especially when she needed it the most. She was cooped up in that house, all alone with nothing to do.

"I'll need a ride to your place later, I left my car at your place." Y/n added with a smile.

Steve nodded "Okay, what time?" He asked.

"Uh, maybe 5:30 or earlier, depending on what happens with the boys." Y/n said shrugging "If anything I can get ahold of my dad."

"I'll try and give you a ride if I can." Steve said with a small smile.

Y/n grinned "You are just the best Steve." She said happily.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now