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The next morning, Steve woke up way before Y/n. They were both still on the couch, and their position had changed. Steve laid under Y/n, and she had her hed resting on his chest as she snored gently. Steve just stared at her, that warm feeling in his chest returning again.

He didn't know why that feeling was there, and he didn't even know what to make of it. And he was scared of it, because it was the same feeling he first got from Nancy. And to Y/n years before Steve ditched her, like the asshole he was.

Steve just stared at Y/n, a small smile on his face. This moment felt so perfect, and so surreal. Gently he began to brush his fingers through her hair, closing his eyes once more. Thats when Y/n groaned, and decided to wake up.

"Steve?" Y/n mumbled tiredly "What time is it?" She asked.

"9:45am." Steve answered with a hum.

Suddenly Y/n scrambled to get off Steve, panicked. Steve groaned at the amount of weight she put on him, before she had got off the couch.

"Jesus, whats up with you?" Steve asked sitting up.

"I have work today." Y/n said as she made her way to the stairs "And you're late for school." She shouted.

"What, you aren't going?" Steve asked climbing off the couch, not caring that he was late.

"Hell no, I'd rather work, than learn." Y/n shouted.

"But it's Friday!" Steve complained.

"Too bad!" Y/n sang with a grin "Is my shirt still here?!"

"Should be!" Steve shouted back "What time do you have to be in?!"


"I'll make you some breakfast then, and then I can drive you to work!" Steve shouted.

"Thank you!" Y/n shouted before shutting the door to the spare room, "We gotta hurry, you're already late Harrington!"

The next day Y/n was back at work, she was cleaning up one of the theater rooms for the next group. She still hadn't gone home, she couldn't. No matter how guilty she felt to El, she just couldn't look her dad in the eyes. She just couldn't stop thinking of the fight, it was like a broken record. And on top of that, she couldn't stop thinking about that morning's with Steve.

Along with his constant reassuring words from thoes nights, and how he rubbed her back and comforted her till she fell asleep. It just made her feelings stronger.

She was sweeping the popcorn, when she heard the doors to the room close. And footsteps coming towards her, Y/n sighed "This room is currently-" When she looked over she stopped.

Dustin and Steve were walking dowm the slope, together. Dustin was more speed walking than anything, amd Steve was just following him holding a bouquet of Y/n's favorite flowers.

"Dusty, Steve, what the hell are you guys doing here?" Y/n wondered confused on seeing them both together.

"We really need your help, like now. No one is answering me, and you two are my only hope." Dustin quickly said.

"Dude, what are you even on about?" Steve said in an exasperated tone "You've said that like four times, and haven't elaborated."

"Who are the flowers for?" Y/n asked unable to hide hrr curiosity.

Steve looked at the bouquet in his hands, to his bestfriend. His faced got hot, and turned pink. He began to feel crazy nervous, and almost wanted to say they were for Nancy. But if he said that, he'd be totally screwed.

He also couldn't stop thinking of Billy's words yesterday, about Nancy and Y/n. He said that Nancy and Jonathan skipped, together, and still hadn't shown up. It made Steve think that Nancy had already moved on, just as easy as that. And the horrible, lewd things he said about Y/n. Things about her body, and what parts he thinks would taste delicious.

Gulping Steve rubbed the back kf his neck, nervous and heart racing "Uhm, they-they're for you." He mumbled holding them out to her.

Y/n blinked quickly in shock, and gently took them "Thank you, they're beautiful." She whispered smiling shyly.

"Okay, we don't have time for this love story, or whatever the hell it is." Dustin said in annoyance "We need to go, come on!"

"Dustin, I'm working." Y/n said looking back to her smaller friend.

"This is more important than work." Dustin said as he began walking away "Come on!"

Y/n sighed and threw her hand up in annoyance "Imma get fired one of these days." She said shaking her head.

"Let's go!" Dustin said already up by the doors.

Y/n sat in the passenger seat of Steve's car, the flowers in her lap. She was staring at them, so lost in thought. She wasn't even listening to Dustin, who was rambling on in the back. She didn't understand why Steve got her these, it was just so out of the blue. But she loved it, she thought the gesture was cute.

It was already dark out, since they had to make a few stops. One at Steve's, so Y/n could grab her gun out of the car. And then the gunstore to pick up some ammo, at that time Dustin was too busy trying to call the others.

"Wait a sec. How big?" Steve asked looking at Dustin through the mirror, while Y/n looked back at him, snapping into reality once more.

"First it was like that. Now he's like this." Dustin said using his arms and fingers to differentiate the sizes.

"I swear to god, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?" Steve said.

"It's not a lizard."

Y/n frowned at her smaller friend "Wait, is this about that creature?" She asked remembering the slug.

Dustin nodded "Uhm.....yeah." He said shamefully.

"Dustin, you kept him!" Y/n shouted.

"He came home!" Dustin lied panicked "I'm sorry!"

"Damnit, Dust, you guys were supposed to take it to my dad." Y/n sighed.

"I know, but I couldn't!" Dustin exclaimed "Your dad, he would've killed him!"

"Wait, what the hell are you guys even talking about?" Steve asked in confusion.

Y/n groaned and looked at Steve "Dustin found this weird ass creature, that may or may not be from the upside down." She explained.

Steve abruptly stopped the car, right in the middle of the empty highway. This caught both Y/n and Dustin off guard. Dustin was all dramatic, and slammed himself in the back of Y/n's seat. While Y/n grabbed what she liked to call 'the oh shit bar'.

"What the hell man!" Dustin exclaimed in annoyance as he got back on his seat.

Steve looked over at Y/n with a scowl "How long have you known about this?"

"A few days...." Y/n answered looking down.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Steve asked as he began driving once more.

Y/n sighed "I didn't think it was anything. Not only that but I thought they would take it to my dad." She said glaring at Dustin.

"I'm sorry!"

Steve groaned "Jesus. Okay, how do you guys know it's even from the upside down." He said, "What if he's just a lizard."

Dustin groaned dramatically "It's not a lizard."

"How do you know." Steve countered.

"How do I know if it's not?" Dustin asked in disbelief.

"How do you know it's not just a lizard?"

"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat." Dustin said.

Y/n gasped and looked back "He fucking ate Mews!?" She asked in disbelief.

"He-it ate your cat?" Steve asked as he pulled up to Dustin's house "Guess it's not a lizard." He mumbled.

"No shit, Steve!" Y/n exclaimed upset "Poor little Mews."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now