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The next day, Y/n and Steve kept to their normal schedule. Except Dustin was there this time, so it was a little different. Steve had woken up  early, and made breakfast for everyone. Luckily the two didn't have to be at work till 12.

When Y/n woke up, she tried calling her dad. But got no answer, not even from El. Frowning she had called a second time, and still got nothing. It was normal for Jim to sometimes not answer, but El always answered. Y/n's worries shook away when she remembered where her sister was, she was with Max.

After breakfast, Y/n cleaned up the kitchen while Steve and Dustin hung out. When 11:30 rolled around, Y/n and Steve both got ready for work. And at 11:45 they left for work, running a little late.

Y/n rushed inside of scoops through the back room, Steve and Dustin on her heels. Robin was already in the back room, leaning against the table and picking her nails

"Robin, I am so sorry!" Y/n exclaimed, setting her purse like bag on the table "We are so sorry."

Robin looked over at them "Where have you guys been? I've been waiting for ten minutes." She said.

"We're not obligated to answer that." Steve said leaving the backroom to unlock the front.

Dustin sighed and set his bag down as well "Okay, now we need to figure out how to get inside that building." He said.

Y/n sighed "Dust, you might have to give us a bit." She said, "We've gotta open up, and set everything up."

"Okayyy." Dustin mumbled sitting down at the table, crossing his arms over his chest.

Y/n went to the freezer, and grabbed the icecream before passing it through the window to Robin. Steve was helping her set up everything, setting up the toppings and getting the cones and bowls. Y/n looked at Dustin noticing how quite he was, he staring at the table messing with his hands.

"Have you spoken to the others? Mike? Will? Lucas? Max or El?" Y/n asked setting another ice cream container down for Robin, before heading back tk the freezer.

Dustin sighed "Not since I got back." He mumbled shaking his head "Theres no point, they're uh, all too busy."

Y/n frowned going back to Robin "I'm sorry, Dust." She said sympathetically, "Whenever I get the chance, I'll talk with them. Ditching you completely on your first day back was bad enough, but they still haven't even talked to you?" She ranted shaking her head. Continuing to go to the freezer, and then back to Robin.

"Y/n, please don't." Dustin said "It's really not that big of a deal."

The woman scoffed and shook her head "Not that big of a deal?" Y/n quoted back, "It is a big deal Dust." She said.

By now Y/n haf finished passing icecream to Robin, and Steve had finished setting out the toppings. Robin leaned through the window "C'mon pretty lady, we've got some work to do, before we can began finding a way in that building." She said.

"Please, Y/n?" Dustin begged, looking up at one of his very best friends.

Y/n sighed and shook her head "Fine." She mumbled "But I don't like it!" She added before leaving the room.

Later on Dustin had gone up to the roof, specifically to scope out the outside. Y/n and Steve had been trading on and off for working in the front, and working in the back. When Dustin finally came back, all three took a break. Dustin was pacing the room, while Steve, Y/n, and Robin all sat in the open chairs.

"That key card opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this key card also has a massive gun." Dustin explained "Whatever's in this room, whatever's in thoes boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now