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Once the truck had pulled to a stop, Y/n scrambled out of the door. She rushed over to her dad, and pulled him into a hug. Her anger from the fight now gone. The hug was warm, and she could tell that her dad was just as relieved as she was. Jim hugged his daughter tightly, practically squishing her.

"Ehk, dad, can't breathe." Y/n wheezed, tapping him a few times.

The older man loosened his grip "Are you okay?" Jim asked pushing his daughter back a bit, to look her in the eyes.

Y/n nodded "Other than you almost suffocating me, yeah." She answered "Just exhausted." She added.

"Have you been home?"

Y/n didn't move for a second, and then she shook her head "No. I haven't gone home since our fight." She mumbled shamefully.

Jim sighed filled with nothing but guilt "Y/n, I'm-I feel horrible for what I said. I didn't-"

"I heard your message dad." Y/n said cutting him off "It's fine, you don't have to be sorry."

"You heard my message? Why didn't you respond?" Jim asked "You're always supposed to respond."

"I was dealing with uh, these Demogorgon dog, things." Y/n explained as she began walking to the house, where everyone had retreated to.

"You've been dealing with these things?" Jim asked looking at her "How long have you been dealing with them?"

"Oh, a while, I was gonna tell you. And then our fight happened, and I didn't bother." Y/n explained walking inside the house.

The house was a mess, again. But this time instead of Christmas lights like last year, they were drawings. And Y/n could tell they were Wills, just by how they were. Each drawing was different, but they all connected. They were tunnels.

Y/n looked around at all the drawings, a frown on her face. There were so many, scattered around the house. Joyce must've put them all up, hoping to understand what her son was drawing or trying to show her.

Jonathan was crouched near Will, who was passed out, Nancy stood behind him rubbing his shoulder. Steve was watching them with a upset look, but instantly looked to Y/n when the door opened. His expression changing completely

Jim shook his head "I need to make a few calls." He mumbled before walking over to the phone.

Steve rushed over to her once she was alone "How'd it go?" He asked "You two good?"

Y/n nodded looking at her dad, and then back to her bestfriend "Yeah, I think so." She said "He's not big on words." She joked.

"Yeah, that's fair words are.....hard." Steve said shrugging "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier."

"Which part of earlier?"

"Uhh, well, going to face thoes dog things alone." Steve said shrugging "But to be fair, I totally thought it was Dustin's weird pet." He chuckled. Steve paused "And, uh, pulling you on my lap." He finished quickly and nervously.

Y/n's face heated up and she cleared her throat "It's fine, Steve, you don't need to apologize." She mumbled with a chuckle.

"I don't know how many people are there! I don't know how many people are left alive!" Jim said angrily, his voice rising by the second "I am the police! Chief Jim Hopper!"

"Any idea what happened in the lab?" Y/n asked slowly moving towards the kitchen.

Steve sighed and followed "All I got is Joyce's boyfriend....he was killed by thoes dogs." He whispered lowly, "And that probably everyone at that lab is dead."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now