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"Honey, I'm home!" Steve's loud voice exclaimed in a sing-song tone.

Y/n stood up and greeted Steve warmly, taking the grocery bags from him. It was decently late, around 11pm. Her and Max had been eating popcorn, and watching the movie 'Stand By Me'. Max's mood had lifted entirely, and she had even smiled and laughed.

Y/n gave Steve a kiss on the cheek "How was work?" She asked, making her way to the kitchen Steve on her heels.

"It was okay, Robin was a pain in the ass as usual." Steve joked.

Rolling her eyes Y/n began putting the groceries away "You leave Robin alone, she's a total saint." She said.

"God, it's almost like you two are married." Max said walking into the kitchen.

Steve looked at her "And it's almost like you're our child, shithead." He joked back.

Max scoffed "I am your kid, so is Dustin, and Mike, and Lucas, and Will, and El. Even Erica at this point, but not really at the same time." She rambled waving her hand a bit as she spoke.

Y/n grinned putting away the last of everything "My army of children." She said.

Steve shook his head with a chuckle "That's perfect!" He said.

Suddenly the phone began ringing loudly "I got it, Steve can you start dinner." Y/n said, before walking away and not waiting for his answer. Y/n walked out of the kitchen, and grabbed phone on the wall "Harrington residence."

"Hi, is a Y/n there?" A women's voice spoke.

Y/n raised a brow "Yes, who is this may I ask?" She questioned.

"Susan, Max's mom, do you by chance know where she is?" Susan's worried voice asked "I've called around her other friends houses, and told me to call here."

"Oh, yes, Max...Max is here." Y/n said wearily "Uhm, I was actually meaning to call you...."

"Oh? About what?" Susan asked curiously.

Y/n cleared her throat "Today, Max came by and told me she had been hit." She said, "Hit by your husband. There was a red mark on the side of her cheek, and it has even started to bruise ma'am." She explained.

The othet side was completely silent, and Y/n became worried. She didn't know Max's mom well at all, and she didn't know Billy's dad at all. But from what Max had said, her Mom was sweet but easily manipulated. And Billy's dad was a worthless, manipulative asshole.

"Mrs. Mayfield?" Y/n asked worriedly "I-is everything okay?" She stuttered.

"Uhm, is there a chance Max can stay with you for a few days?" Susan asked in a tone Y/n couldn't exactly decipher.

"Yeah, of course, Max is always welcome here." Y/n said sweetly.

Susan cleared her throat "Thank you, for telling me this." She said before hanging up.

Y/n set the phone back down, and sighed. She didn't know what Susan would, but she hoped that she would do the right thing and leave that bastard. She made her way back to the livingroom where Steve and Max, were playfully arguing and hitting each other gently. Y/n smiled and watched the two, everything seemed perfect.

Almost. If Jim and El were there with them, if her dad was alive in general, everything would be perfect. A tear fell down Y/n's cheek, and she quickly wiped it away before joining the two. But before she could sit down, there was a loud knock kn the door. Sighing Y/n pulled open the door, and was shoved to the side as Dustin walked in.

"Yeah, of course just come on in." Y/n said rolling her eyes.

Dustin shrugged off his coat "I'm bored." He said, dropping his backpack on the floor.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now