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Y/n walked into the grocery store, her hair tied up in a ponytail(if possible) showing off her neck. Which was completely littered in dark hickeys. Y/n made her way to the back room, shoving the door open. Josh sat at a small desk, doing some paper work. He was just one out of the three managers there today, but yet again he was there nost days.

"Afternoon Josh." She greeted before clocking in.

Josh looked up from his work "Hey Y/n." He said "I'm really glad you're able to cover for Jenny."

Y/n smiled looking at him "Yeah, I need any extra cash I can grab." She said with a laugh, "Gotta make sure I've got some money for the kids and myself and Steve."

Josh nodded looking at her neck "So, you're still with Harrington?" He asked.

Josh was only a grade older than Y/n was, but he had been working at this grocery store since he was 15. Hence the reason he was ine of the managers.

Y/n leaned against the wall and nodded "Yeah." She answered.

"Hmmm." Josh hummed "Anyways, I just need you to stock a few things and work the register." He said looking back at the papers.

Y/n gave him a two finger salute "Thanks again." She said before walking out.

"Hey, Y/n, you got a call!" Josh shouted at her.

Frowning Y/n paused what she was doing, and made her way towards the back "Who is it?" She asked.

"Some kid." Josh said shrugging as he sat down in his chair "Something Henderson."

Y/n grabbed the phone "Dustin?" She questioned.

"Y/n! Thank god!" Dustin exclaimed "I've been calling everywhere, I need yout help."

"Okay......What do you want?" Y/n asked.

"I need you to come to Hellfire, sub for Lucas."

Y/n raised her brows "What? No. It's Lucas's big game tonight." She said "Why aren't you guys going?"

Dustin sighed "We can't, we have a big campaign tonight."

"Why can't Eddie just cancel it?" Y/n suggested "You guys need to be there to support Lucas."

Dustin sighed "We tired that, both me and Mike!" He exclaimed "I swear Eddie was gonna choke us."

Y/n sighed "God, I don't know Dust." She said.

"Y/n, Lucas has been on the bench this whole season." Dustin reminded.

"I know, I know." Y/n said "But still, it doesn't matter if he's on the bench. We need to support him either way."

Dustin sighed again "Please Y/n, I don't know who else would sub." He begged desperately "Steve just hung up on me!"

Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose "What about Erica?" She suggested, "You guys gave her Will's old D&D stuff, and I've been helping her get better at the game."

Dustin gasped "Oh my god." He said in shock "Y/n you amazing genius!" He shouted.


Before Y/n could get another word out, Dustin hung up. Sighing she placed the phone down, "You okay?" Josh asked.

"Just, problems with my kids." Y/n answered nonchalantly before walking out of the room.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now