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three, karaoke

the oscars had ended a little over an hour ago and elsie had went back to her hotel room to change into her after party dress that both donatella and her mother designed.

it was a black sequined dress that fell a little bit below her bum and had a neckline that plunged just about mid abdomen.

elsie absolutely adored her oscar dress but she loved her after party dress. she felt like it was more of a mature dress than what she is used to wearing and it brought her out of her comfort zone.

"you look absolutely stunning, elsie." one of her stylist gushed as she helped elsie into the dress.

"thank you raquel, i feel beautiful." elsie smiled before she looked towards her manager.

"can you hand me my phone so i can facetime jackie?" elsie asked as her stylist fixed her dress while her makeup artist touched up her makeup.

"here you go." elsie quitely thanked her manager before she began to facetime her sister.

"hi ellie bellie." jackie greeted with a smile on her face.

"hi jack-jack, what're you doing?" elsie asked as her stylist finished the final touches of her dress.

"just watching harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. i saw you on the carpet, your dress was absolutely stunning." jackie smiled as she leaned her head against her hand that was propped up.

"all creds to donatella and mom. speaking of them, wanna see my after party dress?" elsie smiled.

"is that even a question? show me it!" jackie exclaimed as she sat upright on her couch.

elsie handed her phone to her stylist and she flipped the camera to show elsie in her dress.

"oh my god, i love it! your boobs look so good." elsie felt herself blush as everyone in the room laughed at jackies comment.

"shit, i didn't know anyone else was in the room. sorry ellie." jackie laughed as elsie rolled her eyes.

"anyways, i just wanted to call and show you my dress before i left for the after party." elsie told her sister as she began to slip on some rings.

"okay, have fun and text me when you get back to your hotel!" jackie told her sternly.

"okay mom." elsie remarked as jackie flipped her off in a joking manner.

"love you ellie." jackie told her sister.

"love you too jackie." elsie smiled before the call ended.

"are we ready to go?" elsie asked as she looked in the mirror one last time.

"yep, terry is waiting downstairs." elsies manager informed her as she stood up to escort her out of the hotel and into the car.

"okay, thank you everybody!" elsie told the stylist before her and her manager left the room and into the hall.

"how are you feeling?" her manager asked as they walked side by side.

"i'm honestly excited. i can't remember the last time i went to the vanity fair oscar party." elsie answered as they stepped into the elevator.

"i'm excited for you! it feels good to see you back in your element." her manager stated honestly.

"oh, i know you missed managing me." elsie teased as she poked her lightly.

"i admit, i did miss managing you." she confessed as the elevator doors opened.

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