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eighty-three, after party engagement

the oscars had concluded and elsie had went back to her hotel to change into her second dress of the night.

she had decided to stay simple and had her mother design a green corset satin dress that had sleeves hanging around her shoulders.

elsie had kept her hair and makeup the same and soon enough, her and timothee were sat in the car as they waited for their car to arrive at the after party.

"you okay?" timothee asked once he noticed elsie's dazed gaze.

"the last time i went to an after party was with austin and i met him at this exact after party." elsie whispered as she turned to face timothee.

"i can't imagine how you're feeling right now, ellie." timothee frowned as he reached over and held elsie's hand in his.

"it feels bittersweet. i never thought that there would be a time where he wasn't in my life." elsie frowned as she felt the lump form in her throat.

"nobody expects for breakups to happen, elsie. we all hope it works out and that's all we can do. you did your best to make the relationship work but in order for a relationship to work, both parties need to put the same amount of effort." he reminded her as he rubbed his thumb over her hand.

"you deserve someone that will put the same amount of effort as you do."

"what would i do without you timmy?" elsie sighed with a smile.

"let's hope we never have to find out." he breathed out before the car stopped, signaling that they had arrived.

the two thanked their driver as timothee climbed out of the car first before he held out his hand for elsie to take.

she placed her hand in his as she climbed out of the car, their hands remaining interlocked as they walked the carpet.

"elsie, timothee!" a photographer yelled as the two posed together, timothee's hand wrapped around her waist.

"elsie!" another shouted as they took photos of the two.

after a few more pictures together, the pair made their way inside. elsie's attention immediately falling onto her sister and andrew.

"ellie!" jackie exclaimed as she rushed towards her sister and pulled her into a hug.

"hi jackie!" elsie smiled as they pulled away before she walked towards andrew.

"how does it feel to win one of the most prestigious awards in acting?" elsie asked with a smile.

"absolutely amazing." andrew remarked causing the three to laugh.

"good because tonight we're celebrating you!" elsie exclaimed.

"and how will we be celebrating?" jackie asked as she raised a brow at her sisters antics.

"drinking, of course." elsie remarked causing the three to chuckle at her antics.

elsie and timothee grabbed a few glasses of champagne before handing them to jackie and andrew.

"a toast, to mr andrew garfield." elsie announced as she raised her glass outwards.

"to andrew!" timothee and jackie smiled before the four took a sip from their champagne.

"oh my god." jackie muttered as she watched a familiar face walk into the venue.

"what? was it not good?" elsie asked as she glanced down at the champagne in jackie's hand.

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