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fifty-one, back to black

the camera shuffled for a few seconds before austin appeared in front of it, adjusting the lens to focus on his face.

once he had gotten the camera to focus, he smiled and waved at it.

"hi everyone and welcome back to elsie's channel. today, i'm surprisingly elsie since she's getting coffee with a friend right now and it's the perfect time to execute my plan while she's out doing something."

"usually, we're together 24/7 so i'm taking this opportunity to do something that she'll hopefully like." austin smiled as he walked around his home.

"as we all know, elsie is a huge fan of zoey 101 and she's a fan of the carrie diaries, so i thought it would be a perfect surprise for me to go back to my blonde hair and kind of dress like my character sebastian in the carrie diaries."

"she has absolutely no idea of what i have planned. i had told her that i was meeting with ashley this afternoon so i'm sorry for lying babe and i hope you like it." he smiled nervously before blowing a kiss towards the camera.

austin stopped recording as the doorbell rung, signifying his hairstylist had arrived.

he walked towards the door and opened it with a smile before greeting her.

"hi marsha, how are you?" he asked as he pulled her into a hug.

"i'm great. are we ready to go back to blonde?" she asked once they pulled away, austin closing the door behind her.

"very ready. i kind of missed it." he remarked as he led her towards the living room.

"it shouldn't take too long. maybe an hour, two hours max." marsha informed him as she placed her things onto the table austin had set up.

"take as long as you need, marsha. there's no rush." he told her as he sat down.

marsha soon began applying the bleach to his hair and austin decided it was a good time to record the process.

"now marsha's applying the bleach to my hair, marsha say hi."

marsha looked up and smiled before waving at the camera.

she quickly averted her gaze back to austin's hair as she applied the rest of the bleach onto his hair.

"marsha was my hairstylist for the elvis movie and i had reached out to her awhile back about going back to my blonde hair and she was excited to help me achieve that."

"it's true. i was really sad to see him go to black but i'm excited to help him go back to his natural hair color." marsha smiled.

"where's elsie? usually the two of you are attached at the hip." marsha remarked causing a blush to form on austin's cheeks.

"she is getting coffee with a friend right now." he informed her with a small smile.

"and does she know that you're going back to blonde?" she asked with a quirked brow.

"no, it's a surprise." austin admitted sheepishly.

"she is going to love your blonde hair! i remember i had to step in for candace because she was feeling sick that day and elsie was watching the carrie diaries on her laptop as she got ready." marsha commented.

"hopefully she does or else i'd have to go back to black." he remarked causing marsha to glare at him.

"don't you dare!" she exclaimed as she applied the remaining bleach onto his hair.

"we're gonna go ahead and let the bleach process for a bit before finding it off and toning it. we'll be back shortly." austin smiled before he stopped recording.

"so, did you finally ask the girl to be your girlfriend?" marsha asked as she sat in front of him.

"what?" he asked, completely taken off guard by her question.

"everyone on set could tell there were sparks between the two of you. candace and i even arranged a bet to see how long it would take for the two of you to get together." marsha informed him.

"i didn't know we were that obvious but to answer, yes, i did ask her to be my girlfriend and she said yes." marsha smiled happily as she clapped her hands together.

"i knew it. i can't wait to tell candace!" she remarked excitedly.

"i asked her to be my girlfriend the day she finished filming and i've decided to move in with her in new york." austin admitted with a shy smile.

"i'm so happy for the both of you! you two truly deserve each other." marsha smiled as she placed a hand on his forearm.

"thank you, marsha." he nodded.

soon enough, marsha had finished the final touches of his hair and austin was happy with the results.

he truly was relieved to have his hair back to it's natural color as opposed to it being black.

"and here is the final result, marsha did a fantastic job as always." he smiled as he brought marsha into a side hug as he showed off his hair.

"elsie's going to love it. it looks really good."marsha smiled.

"hopefully she does." austin remarked before he stopped recording.

"again, thank you so much marsha." he thanked her as he paid her for her work.

"anytime austin. just don't go back to black anytime soon." she told him pointedly as she grabbed her things.

"i promise i won't." he stated as he raised his hands up in surrender.

the two said their goodbyes before austin was left alone.

he checked elsie's location and saw that she was already on her way home, so he quickly cleaned the mess up before running to his room to quickly change into the outfit he had planned.

as austin slipped on his shoes, the front door opened, signaling that elsie had arrived home.

"baby, i'm back!" elsie yelled as she placed austin's keys onto the entrance table.

"hi baby. how did it go?" he yelled as he grabbed the camera.

"it was good. where are you?" she asked as she noticed he wasn't in the living room or kitchen.

"in the room but i have a surprise. close your eyes and don't open them until i tell you to." he stated as he began to record.

"okay." she said u surely as she covered her eyes with her hands.

austin took a glimpse out of his room to see if she had her eyes closed and once he saw she did, he pointed the camera at her as he walked towards her.

"okay, you can open them."

elsie removed her hands from her face and her jaw dropped as she stared at her boyfriends appearance.

"you didn't!" she exclaimed as she looked at him from head to toe.

"i wanted to go back to my natural hair color and i thought i'd surprise you by dressing up as sebastian." he shrugged as elsie's smile grew.

"you look great! did marsha do your hair?" she asked as she ran a hand through his hair.

"yeah, she did." he replied with a nod.

"she did a great job." she smiled before she stood on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against his.

"do you like it?" he asked as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"i love it." elsie smiled before she pulled him into another kiss, austin turning the camera off so he could kiss her properly.


bro, i'm in love with austin, it's not funny

sebastian kydd is so hot, lord 🤭

also, would you guys want smut? 🧍🏻‍♀️

i don't wanna write it if it makes y'all uncomfortable 🗿

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