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fifty-nine, home

elsie drove down the streets of new york as she neared closer and closer towards madison square garden.

harry was going to give the girl a tour of the venue before bringing her back to his dressing room so the two could catch up a bit before the show started.

austin, andrew and jackie would meet elsie there when the show started.

elsie was excited for the show to say the least. she hadn't seen harry perform live since his last tour and she missed seeing her friend in his element.

she found it quite comforting to see how relaxed and at home he felt as he performed for his fans.

he absolutely adored his fans and loved seeing their excitement when he performed.

elsie couldn't imagine harry being anywhere but on stage. he was perfect.

throughout his years with one direction, elsie could tell how much harry loved going on tour with the boys.

she loved watching them from backstage and getting to experience the entire tour with them.

it's what made her love touring.

seeing how happy the boys were made her fall in love with it.

she just wished they enjoyed it more than they did.

it hurt to see the boys suffer behind the scenes but what she didn't know was that she had kept the boys going when things got hard.

seeing how much elsie adored them and what they did have them the motivation to keep going and to perform to the best of their abilities.

they considered elsie as their little sister and never wanted to see the smile on her face fall.

they didn't want elsie to worry too much about them and would rather her enjoy the tour to get her mind off of her relationship with luke.

they had always put elsie first and she did the same for them.

they were her family and she couldn't imagine them not being in her life.

although elsie had a falling out with liam, she would be there for him if he needed her.

no matter what he had done, she would be there for him because he was her family for so many years.

our of all the boys, elsie always had a soft spot for harry and niall.

she considered them her fraternal brothers although she was a few years younger than the two.

harry had a very soft spot for elsie as did the rest of the boys.

they were able to be their kid selves with her and she made every stop on tour an adventure.

from running away from paul and goofing around with the stylists, she made them enjoy themselves.

which is what elsie hoped harry would do. enjoy himself as he toured around the world.

as she finally pulled into the venue, she parked her car and made her way towards the entrance harry had told her to enter through.

as she approached the entrance, she was met by harry's body guards, who immediately recognized the girl.

"hi elsie, right this way." one of them stated as he led her towards harry's dressing room.

within a few minutes, elsie had reached harry's dressing room and was met with her best friends green eyes.

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